Beautiful Lies (Breaking Belles #2) - Alta Hensley Page 0,18

determined to milk him hard.

Pleasing him was a clear, easy task. The easiest thing I’d done in months, in years, and suddenly I wanted it more than anything.

My own orgasm flowed over me like a wave lighting my skin from within. Tears coursed down my cheeks as I hummed and howled and moaned on Sully’s cock, shuddering around him.

And then, with a roar that drowned out all the other activity in the room, Sully shoved deep as deep could go into my throat, the salt of his seed spilling down.

So much of it that it filled up my throat, my mouth, and dripped out the corners of my lips.

Sully didn’t remove his cock. He bobbed in and out, looking down at me with surprised, heated eyes. He liked the sight of his cock spilling semen out of my mouth and down my neck onto my breasts.

I felt like we stayed like that for half an hour, but it was probably only minutes. Sully finally pulled back, lifting his leg from where he straddled above me. I wondered if that was it. Was the Trial over?

The rest of the members seemed too preoccupied with their own dicks to pay any more attention to us. It was just the two of us in this little corner of the room. I didn’t know where the other man had gone, and I didn’t care.

Sully didn’t say a word. He just reached out, rubbed some still shining cum from my bottom lip and spread it all around my chest and breasts.

Like he was marking me as his own.



I’d never experienced anything like this: extreme intensity followed by the most boring doldrums possible.

Half a week later after the most mind-blowing sexual experience of my life and I was ready to go stir-crazy. It didn’t help that my supposed “partner” in all this had decided to disappear into the business end of a bottle.

Or I should say, bottle after bottle.

I don’t think he’d been fully sober once ever since that night with the collar and what we’d done downstairs… I reached my hands to my heated cheeks. Anyway, he’d been checked out ever since.

Sometimes he wouldn’t even leave the room for meals, so I was locked in here with him, too. Because the Almighty Handbook said women weren’t allowed to leave their room without their Initiate by their side as escort. Some sexist bullshit was what it was. I was a prisoner unless Sully agreed to even take me outside. Even dogs got walked!

And I swore, if I had to look at these four walls anymore, I was going to scream.

I’d been nice. I’d given him space to work out… well, whatever it was rich, privileged boys like him needed to work out. But enough was enough. I was like a plant. I needed plenty of sunlight and vitamin D to thrive.

I walked over to the curtains and threw them open, flooding the room in bright, late morning light.

“Rise and shine!” I sang out cheerily.

Sully moaned and hiked his covers up over his head, burying deeper into his pillow.

I’d already cleaned up my floor pallet of pillows and blankets I slept on by the bay window, but the bed was the same disaster of sheets and blanket it always was.

He’d untucked everything the first day and refused to let Mrs. Hawthorne put it back right.

“Come on,” I said impatiently. “No sleeping in for spoiled little rich boys. Chop chop! Some of us actually care about our health and staying in shape.” And getting the hell out of this stuffy, suffocating room.

“Go back to bed,” was all the gruff moan I got in response.

Oh my gosh, was he serious? “But it’s already ten a.m. and you haven’t done anything but lay there,” I said indignantly. “Is this how you spend your life? Or should I say waste your life?” I finished in a mutter.

If I was back home, I’d already have cooked everyone breakfast, packed lunches, and had last night’s laundry folded and put away.

I tried to stay up last night to keep an eye on Sully’s drinking so maybe today could be different from the last few, but it was no use.

I was too used to collapsing into bed exhausted at 9:30 or 10 at the latest.

Sully had been on his fourth glass by then, though by the multiple bottles rolling around the bottom of the bed, I bet he abandoned cups and started chugging straight from the bottleneck at some point.

Was he really just a total Copyright 2016 - 2024