The Beast's Nanny (The Nannies #7) - Sam Crescent Page 0,17

little too disturbing for her, and she tried not to think of it.

Pushing all those thoughts to the back of her mind, she left the safety of the pantry and made her way out to find her boys waiting.

Caleb was nowhere near a boy and with the way his arms were displayed, he was all man. As she looked at him, she wondered what it would be like to be held by him. He was so … all over.

Tonight, she might lose her virginity, but rather than be scared, she looked ahead with anticipation.


Baking should be put on the list of exercises. After rolling out balls and balls of dough for pie crusts, his arms had ached far more than from pumping iron or fighting. James was already in bed, fast asleep. The little guy had kept up with them all day as they made preparations. It was good to hear him laugh again, and he knew he had Grace to thank for that.

They’d been able to take his mind completely away from the pain of losing his mother.

Caleb stepped in the doorway of his en-suite bathroom into his bedroom and stopped. He clenched his hand into a fist as he rested it against the doorframe. Sickness swirled in his gut, but rage rushed to every single part of his body, ready to pour out. He needed to find the man responsible for taking her, for hurting Grace. He wasn’t an idiot. Whoever had killed his sister was the culprit behind his home being attacked.

So far, the note left for him with the head hadn’t warranted any information. It had been completely combed through as if preserved, which only pissed him off more. The list of people he’d hurt over the years was endless. There was no way he could narrow it down.

He wanted to hurt something, no, someone.

A knock at his door caught him off guard and then he remembered Grace was supposed to be coming to him.

There was no way he’d let her see him like this. She wasn’t the cause of his pain, nor responsible for taking his sister away. He would never allow her to see this kind of anger.

Thrusting the pain deep inside, he got himself under control and stepped toward the door.

She was a little earlier than he anticipated, and well, he had no problem with her seeing him in a towel.

As he opened the door, her gaze went wide and she slapped a hand over her face. “You’re naked.”

“I have a towel on.”

“Can you, er, get dressed?”

“I am dressed.”

“Caleb, please?”

“I don’t feel like it.” He reached out, taking hold of her hand and pulling it down. “Cute pajamas.” This pair had cute little bananas. If she was trying to go for completely unflattering, she’d failed. Clothes didn’t matter to him.

The body beneath, that was what he wanted, one touch, and he knew those large tits, gorgeous ass, and juicy thighs were waiting to be touched.

He pulled her into his room and closed the door.

“I have this,” she said, lifting the walkie-talkie that showed the picture of James sleeping.

Caleb nodded to the one beside his bed. “So do I.”

“Why do you have one?”

“He’s my nephew. Do you really think I’d let him out of my sight? There’s not a part of this house I don’t see.”

She held her hand up. “Wait, are you saying you can see like in every single room?”

Caleb pressed his lips together. Since when did he spill all of his secrets? Fuck!

“Not in every single room, but I see enough to know if my men are going to betray me.” He stroked her cheek. “So you came to my room.”

“You’re trying to distract me.”

He rolled his eyes and turned his back on her, going toward his closet. “What do you want?”

“Caleb, you called me to this room, but now I’m curious about what it is you see,” she said.

He moved away from the closet. “How about you be really good and I’ll show you?”

“I’m not a child.”

He raised a brow.

“Please, don’t treat me like one.” She lowered herself on the edge of the bed. “How old are you?” she asked.

“Is my age really important?” he asked.

“I want to know more about you. I want to know more about the man I’m going to be with.” She wouldn’t look at him.

“Grace, this isn’t going to work if you can’t even look me in the eye.”

She slowly lifted her head and looked at him. “I’m sorry. I’m new at all of this. Copyright 2016 - 2024