The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,63

thought. Now he turned his haughty gaze on Morrigan. “Unless the almighty, all-knowing witch was wrong. Why should they be hesitant in accepting the challenge?”

Connor felt his anger rise. Seeing Morrigan speechless for the first time, being belittled and made a fool of in front of the entire Chamber was too much for him to bear. Christof could say whatever he wanted about him, but demeaning Morrigan like this was unnecessary. She had watched over him, protected him, and even now was by his side. It was his turn to be there for her.

Connor slowly rose to his feet. He could feel more eyes in the room directed at him every passing second. He stood as tall and confident as he could, looking first at Christof, then the Council, and finally turning to see the crowd. “It’s clear that there are a few skeptics in the room. There are those who think I’m a liar, a phony, or maybe you’re giving me the benefit of the doubt and just passing me off as confused. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m ignorant of your customs; I’m young, a half-blood, and recently turned, still learning about my new power. Let me put this all to rest here and now. I accept. I will take the Tests.” Connor looked directly into Christof’s eyes. “And she’s not a witch, she’s a sorceress.”

Taking a deep breath, Connor looked around the room. He didn’t know what he’d planned to say when he opened his mouth and he hadn’t planned on saying much. Once he started, he hadn’t been able to stop. The room was silent as people decided how to respond.

One person’s clapping broke the silence. Connor turned and was met with a lop-sided grin and a shake of his head from Lu. Lu was one of the last people Connor expected to have his back. There he was, massive suit and all, clapping away. A split second later, Laren rose from her seat and took up her brother’s call. Morrigan followed and the room erupted.

Cheers rang out from the audience and even the Council members couldn’t help but smile. A few even applauded. It was hard not to root for the underdog.

Morrigan leaned into his ear and shouted to be heard over the noise. “I knew you could do it. Thank you.”

Connor smiled back, wondering what he’d gotten himself into, at the same time not regretting a word.

Soon the applause stopped and Christof was speaking again. “Let him start now, then. Let us not hinder justice. Send him to the Tests.”

“The customary period given to any Judge to prepare for the Tests is seven days,” Morrigan said.

“But as you claim, he isn’t just any judge. He is the savior. Is he not capable of going now? Is our savior not able to begin?”

“Enough,” Adolpho’s voice broke the argument. “I would like to honor our tradition and give a full seven days. With not only the outcome of this trial but the possibility of a greater evil at hand, it is best to start as soon as possible. Connor will be given three days to prepare for his quest.”

As they left the Council Chamber, Connor knew he’d swayed at least a few of the minds in the room. Slaps on the shoulder and encouraging shouts confirmed this.

Like the day before, he was directed to a banquet room so he and his companions could share a meal in relative peace. The walk there was short and filled with well-wishers, denying them the ability to talk confidentially.

As soon as the doors to the banquet room were closed, it was fair game.

Laren launched herself into his arms. “I knew you had it in you!”

Morrigan was smiling and even Lu gave him a compliment. “You have balls, kid. I’ll give you that much.”

The four sat down to a beautiful spread of meats and cheeses. There were so many varieties of bread at hand Connor wasn’t sure what they all were. A fruit and vegetable platter was available for the conscientious eater and representing the other end of the health spectrum was a huge cherry pie.

“Well, there’s no keeping those bloodsuckers out of it now,” Laren mused over a plate of salad and fruit.

“Vampires?” Connor’s voice nearly cracked as he asked a question he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“Connor, that would be crazy.” Lu shook his head from the opposite side of the table. “She’s talking about journalists. You’re big news now, buddy, whether you like it or Copyright 2016 - 2024