The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,54

on the things I do know. I know I’m on the ground floor by looking out the windows. Katie wasn’t a prisoner, she was a witness, so more than likely they would give her a room like mine and not a cell.

Connor decided to avoid searching the main floor, from what he had seen, it was mostly large banquet rooms or meeting halls. That left him with the second, third and fourth floors to explore.

Finding the nearest set of stairs was easier than he thought. Exiting the great hall, he was met with a large staircase to his left. Connor took the stairs two at a time and started his search on the fourth floor.

The fourth floor was decorated much like the rest of the castle. Wood floors were blanketed with colorful carpets and it seemed as though there was either a window or a door every ten or fifteen feet. If Katie was held as a witness, Connor guessed there would be a guard outside her door.

Walking the halls, he ran into more than one person going about their own business. On these chance encounters, he gave them a winning smile, nod, and tried to avoid eye contact. So far it had worked, except for one older man who had stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Connor and said: “Hey, aren’t you that guy on trial?” Connor kept walking before the man could ask more questions.

Connor used a trick he’d read somewhere for not getting lost in a maze. He made every single right when faced with the choice. This way he couldn’t get lost and would eventually be led back to the staircase.

After twenty minutes of what seemed a brilliant plan, he started to second-guess himself. It was warm on the fourth floor and he rolled up his sleeves as he walked by the portraits of smiling men and women.

“How big is this place?” he muttered to himself, scratching the back of his head.

Just as he was about to turn around and begin his search on the second or third floor, he rounded a corner and smiled. At the end of the hall was a guard standing at attention by a door. Connor jumped back around the corner and out of sight. He hadn’t actually figured out how he was going to get the guard away from the door upon reaching it.

He pursed his lips and scrunched his eyebrows, searching for a plan. Deep in thought, he looked around the long hall searching for something—anything—that might be able to help him. There was nothing. Nothing his teenage mind considered valuable, anyway; no stun guns, no smoke bombs, nothing of use. He could try to persuade the guard to let him by. However, after contemplating the serious demeanor of the guards, he quickly discounted this idea.

Instead he decided on a ruse he saw used in a movie once. Connor composed himself, took a deep breath, and casually turned the corner and walked down the hall towards the guard.

The guard shifted his gaze and looked him up and down. Connor gave the stout man a smile and stopped one door from where the man stood guard.

Connor said a silent prayer before he tried entering the room. Please let this be open. Please be open.

He placed his hand on the door and turned. The sweet sound of a click made him smile to himself and he let himself in.

Closing the door behind him, he let out a sigh of relief and took in his surroundings. The room looked as though it hadn’t been used in awhile. A musty scent hung in the air. The fireplace was cold and the curtains were drawn tight. Heading straight for the window, Connor opened the curtains and unlatched the locks. Pushing the window open, he felt a slight breeze and the beautiful warmth of the setting sun.

Connor had been witness to thousands of sunsets before, but somehow this one seemed different. The oranges were brighter, the clouds were clearer, and the breeze smelled sweet. He knew it was his heightened senses enhancing the feeling, and in that moment he wished he could stand there and enjoy the view forever. He knew he couldn’t, Katie was waiting.

Connor tore his gaze away from the gorgeous scene. He examined the ground and landscape three stories below him. Lucky there wasn’t a soul to be seen. This portion of the castle grounds was full of trees and shrubbery, perfect to hide his stealthy entrance.

Grabbing the window frame, Copyright 2016 - 2024