The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,45

heard the news that the Law had been broken as well as a half-blood being turned.

After what seemed like walking through an entire stadium, Morrigan led Connor into a room with shiny marble floors and deep red carpets. Looking at the size of the room, Connor assumed this was the main hall. People hurried about, busy on errands. Vaulted ceilings and chandeliers the size of small cars made the room seem even bigger. Morrigan nodded polite hellos as various people greeted her as they stole inquisitive glances at Connor. Soon she stopped in front of two huge wooden doors.

The doors were made out of dark oak that were decorated with intricate carvings of animals and men. The doors told a story, however, Connor had no time to examine them further. On either side of the massive doors stood two tall guards. They rivaled even Lu for size, wearing matching black suits, ties, and ear pieces. They looked more like FBI agents out of an action movie than household guards. Without hesitation, the men greeted Morrigan with civil hellos and they each grabbed a handle to open the doors to the Council room.

The Council Chamber wasn’t as big as the hall. Whatever it lacked in size, it more than made up for in grandeur. The same dark wood used for the doors seemed to make up the entire room, as though the Council Chamber had been carved out of one gigantic piece of ancient wood. The wood floor was bare of any sign of cracks or lines where pieces had come together. The rows of benches to the right and left sprung up from the floor like branches. To the left, light streamed in through gigantic windows that reached from the floor to the arched ceiling.

The ceiling itself was covered in paintings of battles, gatherings, and portraits. It was obvious that rich vibrant colors were used to first create the painting, but over time, the colors had faded.

As they made their way down the long walkway to their seats, Connor knew every eye was on him. Everyone was judging, making their own conclusions about him. Connor had never liked being the center of attention, and instead of meeting their gaze, he looked straight ahead, following Morrigan’s lead.

After ten yards they reached the front of the room and stood before the high, oval-shaped table where the Council sat. The table was carved out of the same wood as the rest of the room, rising from the floor like a strangely shaped tree. Five empty chairs stood around the crescent table.

Morrigan directed him to their own table to the right. Paralleling them to the left was a well-dressed man with blue eyes Connor had never seen before. Faust sat next to him.

Elegant as ever, Faust was wearing a dark blue suit with a yellow and blue striped tie, the pattern wove its way around the soft fabric in a candy cane pattern. His demeanor was sullen as he sat in the chair, a large pair of black sunglasses covering his eyes.

Connor sat in his seat and couldn’t help but notice Faust’s nose scrunch and his head turn in his direction.

The room was a hubbub of conversation and Connor had trouble concentrating.

Leaning close to Morrigan, he raised his voice in her ear to be heard above the racket. “Who’s that sitting next to Faust?”

“His name is Christof Ulfric. As you probably already guessed, he’s a family member of Faust’s, a distant cousin, if I’m not mistaken. Remember, Connor, they can hear everything we’re saying, and likewise, you can hear them. I know we haven’t had time to train you in your new abilities, but we will.”

Connor nodded and mused over the idea that he now possessed heightened senses, a body that could heal itself, and an aging rate that would allow him to live for centuries. As he wondered whether he would be considered a superhero by a normal person’s standards, the Chamber became dead silent.

Everyone, including Morrigan, kneeled reverently, eyes directed to the floor. Connor caught a glimpse of five figures entering the room before he assumed the required position and pointed his eyes downward.

No one made a noise. The sound of the Council’s footsteps approached, then passed them. After a moment, a strong male voice announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, Elites of the Five Families, you may rise.”

Connor took his seat. Looking up, Connor was drawn to the five pairs of different colored eyes peering back at him. Four men and one woman Copyright 2016 - 2024