The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,41

had to be on the third or maybe even the fourth story of the building because the ground below him was too far to jump. A countryside that in any other situation would have seemed breathtaking was now alien and confusing.

Connor narrowed his eyes, concentrating on the events that brought him here, and where “here” even was. His dark eyebrows furrowed and he bit his lower lip as he tried to remember.

The events that took place in the Catskill Forest came to him all at once. He remembered it all: the fight, the killing, Laren biting him, and his wounds. He had murdered someone. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. But he had to, didn’t he? Laren and Lu would be dead if he hadn’t done something. He would be dead. Remembering his own wounds, Connor looked down at his chest but nothing was there. Examining his shoulder revealed not so much as a kitten’s scratch.

To the contrary, Connor felt as strong as ever. His olive skin was tight around his toned body, and his muscles felt bigger and stronger. Crossing to a mirror on the other side of the large room, he examined himself. Sure enough, his shoulder and chest where Faust had bit and clawed him were completely healed and the person looking back at him even seemed a bit taller and more muscular than he remembered.

The absence of his wounds made Connor second-guess himself and wonder if it had all been some kind of crazy dream, but that was impossible. There was no way he could have imagined or made up the entire thing. Could he?

He was interrupted by a light knock at the door. The massive wooden door reminded him more of a cellar gate than a room door as he placed his hand on the bulky brass handle and turned the knob.

Morrigan greeted him. She smiled. She wore a simple cream-colored dress and matching sandals. A golden headband held back her black hair. In her right hand she held a plain green t-shirt.

“Well, hello there, Mr. Moore. You look well.”

Connor nodded his head numbly, words escaping him.

“May I come in?” she asked, handing over the shirt.

“Oh, yes, please.” Connor took a step back, allowing her access to the room as he took the shirt from her. He pulled the soft material over his head. “Where am I?”

Morrigan, now standing in the middle of the room, looked at him. “There’s so much to be explained and even more to be done. Connor, I must apologize to you. All this has happened faster than I anticipated. I’ve put you in a confusing position.”

She took a deep breath. “Following the events that occurred in the forest, Laren and Lu decided to tell their father, the head of the Council, all that transpired, throwing their fate in with yours. Now the Council has been convened and they await your recovery for the trial to begin. You were unconscious for two days. While your body accepted the Elite gene and healed itself, you were flown here, to the Abelardus estate. Laren has kept a constant vigil by your side. She’s only gone now because I insisted she get some sleep.”

“I’m at Laren’s family’s house? That can’t be right. Laren and her family, according to you, are from Europe. And if I’ve been out for two days, my mother has to be going insane with worry.”

“Well, if you want to get technical, you’re in Laren’s family’s castle, located in the Spanish countryside, and your mother thinks you were called away to college for a spur of the moment orientation trip.”

“I know my mother too well to believe she would be all right with me disappearing without so much as a good-bye or even a phone call.”

“Oh, Connor, you should really give an old woman more credit. She was convinced. Let’s just put it that way.”

The slight twinkle in Morriagn’s eye and the way she winked made Connor question how the “convincing” had been achieved. “Did you brainwash my mom?”

“Heavens, no. She wasn’t hurt at all. You can rest assured. As for exactly how I did it, we sorceresses have our ways and we’ll leave it at that.”

Connor did a double take. “Why does it seem that every conversation we have since you changed from a sweet, crazy old lady turns my life upside down?”

“Would you rather this all happened without my help?” Not waiting for a response she said, “I didn’t think so. Now listen, I don’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024