The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,36

on the roof sought to bring it down to its final resting place. Still cautious to stay downwind of the building, Connor searched for a window to see inside. Although they were boarded, he was able to find a window that offered a gap large enough to see through.

The building consisted of one large room. This far into the forest electricity was out of the question; four lamps illuminated the scene. The lamps were strategically placed near the four corners of the building on boxes, crates, and scattered pieces of furniture that had been left behind. The members in the room cast shadows that played against the walls, dancing and twisting like smoke.

Connor squinted, trying to see exactly how many people the room held. Soon his eyes adjusted. Laren and Lu were on one side of the room, both dressed in jeans and T-shirts—neither of them prepared for a meeting, much less the weather. On the other side was Randolph and four strangers Connor had never seen.

Two large men and a blonde woman stood with Randolph. His normal fake smile and arrogant bravado was replaced with a rather sickly expression. The leader of this group, who Connor guessed from Katie’s description to be Faust, was talking rather quickly and heatedly with the two representatives from the Abelardus family.

“You have no claim to America and have taken this land as though you were entitled to it. You think you’re so very smart. The great Abelardus family.” He spat these words with malice. “But today you’ll see that you’re not the only family willing to make bold moves. Tonight I claim for my house what is rightfully ours.”

Laren shook her head, and with imploring eyes, tried reasoning with the power-hungry Elite. “Faust, how long have I known you? Ever since I can remember. You come from a noble family and I’m sure we can work this out. My father wants a peaceful—”

She was interrupted by Lu. “Excuse the interruption, little sister, but he’s not here for peace. He’s not even here on behalf of his family.” Lu’s jade eyes met Faust’s steel blue. “Look into his eyes. You can see the blood lust. Faust doesn’t want peace.”

Connor studied Faust closer. Like his companions, he was well-dressed in a designer grey suit. His blond hair was still wet from the rain outside, and as Lu made his observation, a sinister smile crept over his thin, colorless lips.

“Ahhhhh… Lupus, you are cleverer than you look. I’m not here for the peace talks of old men. I’m here for action. Too long have the Five Families debated over America and who holds rightful claim. Today I take it.”

“Faust, you can’t. The Law. You know what will happen to you if you break it.” Laren looked at him incredulously. “Violence at this meeting would lead to full out war between our families and would force the other houses to choose sides.”

“Exactly. It will be a war this world hasn’t seen for centuries. I won’t waste my near-immortal life and be content with idly standing by and watching lesser families prosper. I will crush the other four families and if need be, my own. This will be a war to end all wars! Each of the Five Families at each others’ throats until only one remains—mine!”

Connor’s heart was still racing. He wondered whether the Elites in the room would be able to hear it. With his newfound knowledge of the Five Families, the Law, and the treaties that had been in place, he knew the consequences this night held for the rest of history. The pickaxe, still gripped tightly in his hands, felt like it weighed a ton. Rain landed on him in a constant stream. He was soaked through but he couldn’t take his eyes off the scene in front of him.

The room was awkwardly quiet. Laren took a step back to stand beside her brother. Lupus’ giant hands were clenched into fists and his entire body was one sinewy cord of muscle. Connor could see how tense he was, like a coiled spring begging to be unleashed.

“Your plan won’t work,” Laren whispered.

“Oh, and why is that?” Faust asked, his German accent thicker than ever.

“No matter what happens here, the Council will hunt you down for breaking the Law. They’ll execute you and anyone who stands with you.”

“But my sweet Larentia, it was your family that broke the pact. Lupus’ wrath and impetuous personality are widely known. He struck the first blow at the meeting. You Copyright 2016 - 2024