The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,32

thought until dinner that night.

Katie’s mother had made a really nice dinner of roasted duck, green beans, and her famous mashed potatoes.

“Katie, be a dear and go to the guesthouse. Tell Randolph dinner’s ready.”

“Sure,” Katie said. It was sunset; Katie’s favorite part of the day, when the air was cool and the sky looked pink.

When she got to the guesthouse, Katie caught a glimpse of someone with blond hair in the window. Curiousity got the best of her and she decided to take a closer look before knocking. The small window was cracked just enough for her to hear the conversation.

“The time is now, my brother. We cannot wait any longer.”

The mystery guest had a German accent. He was tall and lean like a boxer, with a crew cut. He was dressed in a very expensive suit with a tie that matched his ice blue eyes. He stood next to a small fireplace with a wine glass in his hand.

“Is this the will of the family?” Katie recognized Randolph’s voice even though she couldn’t see him from the window.

“Damn the will of the family, Randolph!” the German roared. “Too long have we sat by idle while the Beastia claim our land and collect money that should be ours. I’ve already contacted a few of the others in the area and they feel the same way. Tonight we make our own fate.”

“I can appreciate your fire and passion, but you know the Law.”

“Damn the Law. We have a perfect opportunity to strike swiftly with the element of surprise. In twenty-four hours, we can have this entire area free of any competing Elites and two members of the ruling family dead!”

Katie was so curious she missed the intentional pause in the conversation and the slight tilt of the stranger’s head as he sniffed the air. A second later, the stranger looked directly into her eyes and smiled.

“Ahhhhh, a guest,” he said.

Katie didn’t know why she ran. She could have stayed and tried to explain that she was there extending a dinner invitation. She could have made an excuse, but she didn’t. Maybe it was the way his sinister eyes locked on hers. Maybe it was the way he’d called her a guest. She didn’t know. All she could feel in that moment was every fiber in her body telling her to run, so she did. She sprinted back to the house as fast as her legs could carry her.

Katie would never be as fast as Connor, but she was a decent runner, and with her fear spurring her on, she was halfway across the yard in a few seconds. Something glided past her and before she had any time to think what it was, she reached the back door. Standing in front of her was the same man from the guesthouse, wine glass in hand. It was still a quarter full.

“Well, hello there. Aren’t you pretty,” he said.

“Faust, let her be. She’s a family member.”

Katie saw Randolph standing behind her, arms crossed. His face was scrunched up like he was worried.

The back door opened and Julie appeared. “Oh, hello.” She was surprised. “Randolph, I didn’t know you had a visitor, will he be staying for dinner?”

Before either Randolph or Katie could respond, Faust chimed in. “Yes, yes, that would be delightful.”

The dinner party of four awkwardly entered the dining room. Katie’s father was already sitting at the table pouring himself a glass of wine. Making eye contact with the group, Katie could practically read his thoughts. Great, they’re multiplying. Instead, he introduced himself and shook the stranger’s hand. Faust introduced himself to Katie’s parents and took a seat with the others at the table.

“So, tell us, Faust, what brings you to town?” Julie asked as she spooned mashed potatoes on dinner plates.

“Oh, I’m on business. Much like Randolph here.”

“How nice. Have you known each other long?”

“How long would you say it’s been, Randy?” Faust smiled at his friend, enjoying the moment. “Feels like centuries, yes?”

Randolph looked at his dinner plate with that same worried face. “Yes, a while now.”

“Katie, are you feeling all right?” her father asked.

The truth was Katie felt sick and hadn’t touched her plate. “Yes, just feeling a little tired. I think I might be coming down with something.”

“Well, try and eat something, dear,” her mother urged.

“Yes, make sure to clean your plate so you can grow up strong and fast, like me and Randy here,” Faust added.

It was the most awkward dinner Katie had ever shared with anyone. Copyright 2016 - 2024