The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,22

below, and even tinier dots, moving slower, were what Connor guessed to be people. The wind picked up on the roof and tiny goose bumps prickled Connor’s skin. Placing his right arm around Laren, who he assumed must be cold, he was surprised. She was actually warm to the touch. Despite this, she leaned her head onto his chest.

“Isn’t it great? It’s so quiet here; the lights of the city remind me of a Christmas tree, and if that wasn’t beautiful enough—” She pointed to the sky and Connor looked up.

It was breathtaking; the moon beamed its power across the city and welcomed everyone to partake in its soft, strong light. The stars were doing their best to compete with the moon but all fell short, even the brightest star paling in comparison.

“You’re the first person I’ve shared this with.”

Connor looked down at her, so small against his chest, so perfect. She drew herself away from him and looked into his eyes.

“Why are you so perfect for me?” she asked.

“Because somehow we were… are… drawn to each other.”

Placing his hands on either side of her neck, he drew her closer to him and felt her soft breath. He could feel her pulse quicken against his palms. The moon caught her green eyes just right and radiated off them in a way that made her look both dangerous and beautiful. Their lips found each other and the rest of their surroundings fell away.

There was nothing else, no more questions, no worries, nothing but the two of them. The kiss was enrapturing; it took hold of his heart and refused to let go. It was as if something inside of him was made whole again.

They pulled away breathless, neither one willing to break the perfect silence. Time stood still as they gathered themselves.

“Well, I’m glad you invited me up here.”

“I am, too, but Connor, I don’t know if it’s fair to lead you on with my family and everythi—”

Connor cut her off with another kiss. This time when they separated, her eyes were closed, taking time to enjoy the moment.

“Stop worrying; it’s going to be okay.”


THE NIGHT ENDED WITH A kiss goodbye as Connor escorted her to her room, half wary in case Lu showed up and half not caring. Promising a phone call the next day, Connor left, took the long ride down the elevator, waved to the plump front desk attendant, and exited the building.

That night as Connor fell into the open arms of slumber, he was visited by yet another dream. He was standing on top of the same roof he had been on with Laren, but this time he was alone. There was no end to this roof. It seemed like it stretched for miles in all directions. The moon was double its size and the dark sky was void of any stars. There were no pipes or conduits protruding from this roof, instead it was lined with statues, statues of men and women that almost seemed alive. Connor wasn’t necessarily scared of these statues, but neither was he too eager to see exactly who or what they were.

Taking a step forward, he became bolder and approached the first image. It was a statue of a warrior, maybe seven or eight feet tall. He wore battle scars proudly. His long hair around his shoulders, his distinguished nose and brow hinted he was of noble birth. He was dressed in armor and boiled leather, one arm holding his helm in its crook and the other resting on the pommel of a sword sheathed in his belt.

The next statue was similar, but female. Her fierce gaze reminded Connor of a caged animal, the pose the sculptor chose for her adding to the ferocity of the image. She stood tall, chest out, her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Both her fists rested on her hips, daring a challenge.

The stone warriors were all intimidating in their own right. Soon armor and leather gave way to an assortment of different clothes. Chain mail and heavy axes gave way to colonial era clothing and sabers. One statue even boasted a male warrior in what looked like traditional samurai armor.

As Connor made his way through the forest of statues, he couldn’t help the eerie feeling that they were watching him, judging him. It was like being introduced to a new school and having the class look at you, judging you before getting to know you.

Connor walked for what seemed like miles, passing Copyright 2016 - 2024