The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,16

Connor nudged his running partner. “Think you can keep up?”

“You have no idea.”

“Oh really? Is that a challenge?”

“Sure, wanna make a bet?”

Connor thought about this for a minute. He had run in this forest for years and now he pulled on his extensive knowledge of the various paths that crisscrossed the preserve. “Okay, there’s an abandoned ranger station four miles from here. If I get there first, I get to take you out again. This time minus the awkward run-in with the creepy business associate.”

“Okay, but if I win, I get to take you out, minus the run in with the creepy business associate, and you have to let me pay. Deal?”


Connor grinned, turned his head, and started to really run. His arms pumped alternately as he began to pull away from Laren, slowly at first, but with each stride, a few more inches. After a few minutes, sweat beginning to form over his body, he looked behind him. Expecting to see Laren a few yards in his wake, he was shocked to see her just behind him, a smile playing across her smug face. No sweat on her brow, no signs of exertion.

Connor shook his head in disbelief. Maybe he wasn’t running as fast as he thought. Redoubling his effort, he focused on his breathing and began to sprint. How embarrassing would it be if she beat him? No, she wouldn’t. Connor was the fastest person he knew. Playing football, track, and soccer in school had confirmed this. There was no way she would be able to keep up. Focusing on his breathing, he pushed himself. Faster and faster his legs flew beneath him until the dirt ground looked like a brown blur instead of hard packed earth.

Soon he was willing to risk another look behind him and he almost stopped in his tracks with disbelief. Laren, perfect smile and all, was still right behind him. A few small pools of perspiration now glimmered off her skin, but not even close to the signs of exertion that were manifesting themselves in Connor’s body.

Beginning to feel the strain, he ignored the question of how she could be keeping pace with him and instead concentrated on one thing, speed. At a full sprint, Connor knew he had maybe two to two and a half miles before the ranger station and finish line would appear; he couldn’t lose, he hated losing.

The thought of losing awoke that urge in him. That feeling that told him he must be more than he was. The beast within willed him, lent him its power, its will to run faster. Connor tapped into its strength and lost himself in the freeing power.

There was no way for Connor to gauge how fast he was running, but if he had to guess, it was the fastest he had ever ran. His feet didn’t even feel like they were touching the ground anymore, the forest flew by like a blur of camouflage green. Racing through the forest, Connor couldn’t help but think of the dream he had just a few nights ago.

He rounded the same corner he had in his dream, the corner where he had seen Katie and his mother urging him to run, and half expected to see them there again. To his relief, the bench was empty and there wasn’t a group of hooded figures standing in his path.

Soon the ranger station appeared in the distance. By this time, Connor was pouring sweat. He had given up trying to control his breathing a mile ago and now it came in short, ragged gasps. His legs burned. His arms pumped for all they were worth, but it wasn’t enough. Despite all odds, Laren pulled up next to him.

The amount of effort her body showed while keeping such a harsh pace seemed nonexistent compared to Connor. She still had control of her breathing and she even looked at Connor as she pulled up next to him, giving him a smile and wink as she passed him.

Despite having to recognize defeat, he couldn’t help but think how elegantly she ran. It was more like watching a cheetah or lion glide through a field chasing its prey than a young woman on a run. Connor could only imagine what she must look like to someone standing still—like a ghost.

Within seconds she was so far ahead of him he lost sight of her. Within minutes he had reached the ranger station. Throwing himself on the forest floor in front of the abandoned Copyright 2016 - 2024