Beast (Reckless Kings MC 1) - Harley Wylde Page 0,48

understand there’s no escape.”

“Oh, she has an escape. Me.”

“You?” He threw back his head and laughed. “Boy, I’m older than you and I haven’t stayed alive this long by being stupid. You think I’m scared of some low-life biker?”

“I beg to differ. If you were smart, you’d have never bought my woman. You signed your death warrant the second you touched her.”

I went after him again, not holding back. I watched his blood flow, sent him to his knees. The moment he realized I was going to kill him, I saw a flash in his eyes. Anger. No, more like fury. He was more than just pissed. He’d thought himself invincible, which made me wonder why. He’d been unarmed and hadn’t fought back very hard.

“Why did you think you’d win?” I asked. I was missing something.

“There are thirty men in this house, all armed. The fact you slipped past them is admirable, but you can’t kill them all.”

“And why do you think I’m here alone?”

The man waved his hand, blood dripping from his fingertips. “Your men are no match for mine.”

My men were… I laughed. I couldn’t help myself. “Exactly who do you think you’ve bought?”

“A biker’s whore,” he said. “I saw the way you’ve trained her. I was impressed, and more than willing to pay top dollar for such a treasure.”

I gripped my knife tighter. “A whore. Right. You really are a dumb shit, aren’t you? Lyssa isn’t a Goddamn whore. She’s my old lady, and the daughter of Torch, President of the Dixie Reapers. If that isn’t enough to make you realize the error of your ways, you should know she’s also the granddaughter of --”

“Me,” Casper said, stepping into the room. “I’d say it’s nice to see you again, but I’d be lying.”

My shoulders stiffened. “You know him?”

Casper gave a regal nod. “Dealt with him a time or two. Slimy fucker who doesn’t like to play by the rules. Right now, he’s waiting for help to arrive. Sorry, Carlos. No one is coming because they’re all too busy bleeding all over your floors.”

“She’s your family?” Carlos asked, tipping his head in Lyssa’s direction. “Well, that will make her submission even sweeter.”

“Are you really so arrogant you think you can walk away from this?” I asked. “Or are you just stupid?”

“I’m going with stupid,” Casper said. “Only an ignorant motherfucker would go after Lyssa. First, it was clear she’d been claimed by you, the President of Reckless Kings MC. Did they think you’d just let them take her without repercussion? And anyone who did even a little digging would find her connection to Torch and me.”

I eyed my woman, worried that she still hadn’t moved or registered the fact I was in the room with her. While Casper toyed with Carlos, I crept closer to the bed. She lay so still, if her chest hadn’t been rising and falling, I’d have thought he’d killed her.

“Tink, you with me?” I asked, running my fingers through her hair.

I glanced at Casper when I heard a fist hitting flesh, but it seemed he was just taking his time with Carlos. I wasn’t worried. The top-rated assassin in the world could surely handle a two-bit human trafficker. I lifted Lyssa into my arms and walked out of the room. As much as I wanted to end Carlos myself, the woman in my arms was far more important. I met Torch on the stairs, and he made me stop so he could check on his daughter, running his hands over her arms and checking her eyes.

“Drugged,” I said. “I need to get her the fuck out of here.”

“I’m going to give Casper a hand. If you trust me to have your bike returned to your compound, pick any vehicle outside and use it to get our girl home.”

“I can give them a ride.” The guy shoved his hands into his pockets. No cut. Not wearing a suit. And he wasn’t dressed in head to toe black like the men Casper had called in. So who the fuck was this guy?

Torch ran a hand down his face. “Fuck my life.”

“You know him?” I asked.

“Yeah. Punk-ass keeps sniffing around Venom’s daughter. I trust him to get the two of you home safely. If nothing else, he’ll want a way to earn points with my VP.”

“Fine. Get us the fuck out of here.” I followed him out to the driveway and climbed into the backseat of one of the SUVs.

“My name’s Tyson,” the guy said. “I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024