The Beast (Black Dagger Brotherhood #14) - J. R. Ward Page 0,137

his mismatched eyes. Beside him, Blay massaged the male’s shoulder.

“We were wondering about the feedings,” Blay said. “Is Layla getting enough from us?”

“Her levels have been looking great. What you all are doing is working just fine.”

“What about the delivery?” Blay asked. “How do we know if … I guess we don’t know if it’ll be okay, do we.”

Doc Jane sat back on her rolling stool and crossed one knee over the other. “I’d like to tell you that we can predict anything about what will happen, but I can’t. I will say that Manny and I are all set, Havers will be on standby, and Ehlena has assisted at over a hundred deliveries. We are ready to help nature take its course—and when they’re out, I have two incubators here, as well as breathing assistance equipment that’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I understand, and I’m glad, that you all are open to anyone lending a vein if it comes to that. And the good news is that the babies are tracking perfectly at this moment in time. We’re prepared, and that’s the best position we can be in. Bear in mind, though, that there could be months and months left to go. The two-week mark from now is just the bare minimum for survival. I’m hoping they stay where they are for another six months, at least.”

Layla looked down at her belly and wondered how much more space she had to give. She already felt as though her lungs were crammed up under her collarbones and her bladder was somewhere south of her knees. Whatever it took, though. Whatever the young needed.

As Qhuinn and Blay got to their feet, there was some lighthearted conversation, something about Rhage and Mary flooding their bathroom, and then there were hugs good-bye as the males left.

Doc Jane sat back down on her stool. “Okay, so what do you want to ask me?”

“I’m sorry?” Layla pushed her hair back over her shoulder. “About?”

“You’ve been my patient for how long now? I can read you—which Qhuinn and Blay probably could, too, if they weren’t so worried about you and the babies.”

Layla fiddled with the fluffy lapel of her robe. “It’s nothing about the pregnancy. I feel better about everything there.”


“Well, ah, Luchas and I were wondering.” Layla smiled in what she hoped was a nonchalant way. “You know, he and I don’t have a lot to talk about down here. Other than how big I’m getting and how hard PT is for him.”

Doc Jane nodded. “You two are both working really hard.”

“So how is the prisoner doing?” Layla put her hands out. “I know it’s none of my business—well, our business. We’re just curious. And I didn’t ask in front of Qhuinn and Blay because they want me to exist in a bubble where nothing worries me and, you know, there is no ugliness to speak of in the world. I just thought maybe you could tell Luchas and me what’s going on with him now that he’s been moved. Has he recovered from his strokes?”

Doc Jane shook her head. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Is he still alive?”

“I’m not going to answer that. I’m sorry, Layla. I know you must be curious, I get it. But I just can’t go there.”

“Can you at least tell me if he lives?”

Doc Jane took a deep breath. “I can’t. I’m sorry. Now, if you’ll excuse me? Time for me to have something to eat.”

Layla lowered her eyes. “I apologize. I don’t mean to force the issue.”

“It’s all right—and don’t worry about anything other than taking care of yourself and those kidlets, okay?” Doc Jane patted her on the knee. “Do you need help getting back down the corridor?”

Layla shook her head. “No, thank you.”

Shifting off the table and onto the floor, she rearranged her robing, left the exam room and started the shuffle back to where she stayed. As a prevailing guilt dogged her, she told herself it was what happened when you made bad choices—

From out of nowhere, her belly tightened front to back, to the point where she stopped and sagged against the corridor wall. A moment later, though, the invisible band was gone as if it had never been, nothing lingering in its place—and she suffered no dreaded loss of bladder control, either.

It was fine.

“You guys okay in there?” she whispered to her belly as she stroked it in a circle.

When someone kicked as if they were answering, she was incredibly relieved.

Doc Jane Copyright 2016 - 2024