The Battered Heiress Blues - By Laurie Van Dermark Page 0,29

only one thing left to do. Kate knew she was beaten with sixteen. She graciously bowed out and threw her hand down in resigned defeat. -Gabe’s turn. He dazzled us with his saucy smile and then tossed his queen-eight into the center of the table.

“How do you like that, you vixens?” He began taking stock of his winnings- his hands rummaging through the pot.

Kate was amused. “I don’t know, Jewels, how do we like that?” She filled our shot glasses with tequila and slid one in front of me.

“I don’t know Kate. Usually, we like to lick it, slam it, and suck it, don’t we?” I slowly laid the queen down on the table as she dusted the side of our hands with salt. Gabe looked like a deer in the headlights.

I started to lay down my final card as Kate taunted him. “Wait for it… wait for it...” Gabe could barely contain his impatience.

The nine hit the table and our happy dance began. We made one full circle around the table hooting and hollering before stopping in front of our shots. We were a sight. In unison, we lifted the glasses and toasted our victory.

“God save the Queen,” I announced, in my best British accent, complete with a proper curtsy.

“God bless America,” Kate twanged in her best Southern belle impression.

We roared laughing as we licked the salt, slammed the drinks, and sucked the limes. Gabe looked oddly perplexed. I grabbed a beer off the table to chase the tequila.

“Don’t be a sorry sport. You’re just a loser.” I couldn’t contain my laughter, but quickly noticed that no one was joining in. Kate had that serious English look on her face like she was straining.

“What?” I inquired. Gabe cleared his throat and nodded his head toward the door- a clear signal that I was too drunk to pick up on.

“What’s wrong with your head?”

A smooth male voice said, “He’s trying to warn you.” I couldn’t register where it was coming from.

“Warn me about what Gabe?” I still couldn’t see how the sound came out of his mouth without his lips moving.

“I need to be getting home,” Gabe heralded, quickly standing and gathering his meager winnings, which included a bottle of Dom Perignon- early card shark sacrifice to reel him in. He skulked out the front door, awkwardly saying hello to Henry as he left.

“Tru,” I gleefully announced. “Where have you been hiding?” I sauntered over to him with the tie still hanging down, partially covering my eye. I threw my arms around him.

“You’re smashed.” He released my hold and walked over to turn the music off.

Kate started to walk up the stairs. “And don’t think you’re off the hook. I gave you one job- one job! You had to keep Julia out of trouble for three days. Three days while I tried to get some things sorted. This is how I find you? You’re both lit. Jackson called today, I’ll have you know, threatening a lawsuit about his car. The sheriff came here?”

Kate was glad to speak in our defense. “The man in the pink apron was the sheriff.”

“Be serious.” Henry was irate.

“No. Really. The man in the apron…yeah, the sheriff,” I added.

He stood shaking his head in disapproval.

“I don’t feel so good,” Kate said, sitting down and vomiting on the steps.

Henry looked me in the eyes and pointed to the chair. “You sit here while I take her upstairs.” He walked over and took the bottle out of my hand, throwing it out the front door. Lifting Kate over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, they disappeared.

Considering that I was in no mood to follow his silly rules, I confiscated the six pack of beer on the table, and opened another brew. Swaying back and forth to Ray Charles singing Ev’ry Time We Say Goodbye, I turned right into Henry’s waiting arms. I hadn’t won him over yet. His smile was still crooked.

“You’re cross with me.”


“Dance with me.”

“You’re impossible.”

“Dance with me, come on. You want to. I can tell.” He reluctantly moved to the music.

“Why would I want to?”

“Because, I’m irresistible.” I gave him my best seductive grin.

“Well, there is that, but then again…I have a strict policy about…”

I kissed him mid sentence. Enough chatter. Full on, hands in the hair, where have you been all my life type of kiss. My legs lifted off the ground and wrapped around his waist.

“You taste like a distillery, Jewels. Honestly…off to bed.”

I kissed his neck and lips as he carried Copyright 2016 - 2024