Batter of Wits (Green Valley Chronicles #22) - Smartypants Romance Page 0,72

all those big, heavy, sturdy locks?" she asked against my mouth.

I cupped the sides of her face with my hands. "If you're not too busy, I'd love that."

"Should I …" her eyes searched mine while her voice trailed off.

"Why don't you pack a change of clothes," I told her. I dropped a soft kiss on her lips. "Just in case."

"Just in case." She hummed, tucking her hands into the front of my belt. "I like just in case."

She kissed me again, and while she was up on tiptoe to reach my mouth better, I ran my hands up and down the lithe line of her back, down along the denim covered curves of her ass. I wanted nothing more than to peel every inch of clothing off her body, see all the things that I'd only seen in my mind as I laid in bed, or stood under the pulse of my shower.

If I was fortunate enough, I'd be able to have her in both of those places very, very soon.

Her phone started ringing on the island, and she glanced over, forehead bunching in confusion. "What on earth?"

"Who is it?"

She lifted up the screen and showed it to me. "Maxine Barton is FaceTiming me."

I laughed, holding my hands up. "I'll stay out of sight if you want to answer it."

Grace chewed on her lip, then hit the button. "Hi, Maxine."

"Young lady, I didn't catch you in the middle of anything, did I?"

Her eyes zipped to me. "Nope."

I grinned.

"Mmmhmm," Maxine hummed. "I don't believe that for a second, but anytime a young person doesn't make me feel like a burden, I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt. I have a business proposition for you."

Grace's eyebrows popped up. "What kind?"

"Pictures. I see you lugging that camera everywhere, and since it looks more expensive than my car, I figure you know how to use it."

She smiled. "I do. What kind of pictures do you need?"

"I've got a family reunion a couple Saturdays from now, and I figure we might as well get some pictures taken. First time all these derelicts have been in one place in ten years."

I stifled a laugh, and Grace gave me a warning look over the edge of the phone.

"Miss Barton, I'd love to do it." She held up a hand. "But, I can't guarantee how good I'll be at family photos. Normally I take nature shots, candids, things like that."

Maxine huffed. "I don't care if you give us warning for fake smiles and fake poses, young lady. Can you take nice pictures or not?"

"I can."

"Then you're hired. How much will you charge me?"

Grace rubbed her lips together as she thought. "How about five hundred for two hours? Maybe a few informally posed shots? All the files will be high quality for prints, and I'll edit everything I send you."

"That five hundred better include takin' off my wrinkles, young lady. I don't want to look like a haggard old woman."

"You'll look like a queen," Grace promised gravely.

"Well, then you've got yourself a deal."

"Great." Grace smiled happily. "Thank you for thinking of me."

"Don't thank me yet. You haven't met my grandsons," she warned before disconnecting the call.

Grace squealed, flinging herself for me. I wrapped her in my arms and kissed the top of her head.

"See, you might find that photographer job after all." I tilted her chin up with my thumb. "Congratulations, Pretty Girl."

Her eyes darkened, her hands running greedily over my chest.

"Take me to your place to celebrate?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

She ran to throw some clothes in a bag, and I started those multiplication tables again.

Chapter 20


Tucker, like the closet sadist he was, drove just under the speed limit the entire way to his house. I followed behind him in my car and fought against the irrational urge to plow into the back of his truck to see if I could push this train along a bit more quickly.

At first, I couldn't understand why I didn't just ride with him, but as we drove through town, about a dozen people waved at him. Probably more. And he greeted them with a lazy lift of his arm that was hanging out of the drivers' side window.

Me? Their eyes slid right past, something they would not have done if I was in the passenger seat of his truck.

He said something on our date about the rhythm of a small town, and if it didn't fit you perfectly, Green Valley would never feel like home. I couldn't stop thinking Copyright 2016 - 2024