Bat Out of Hell (Promised to the Demons #2) - Lidiya Foxglove Page 0,36

me. "I always chose power over anything else. I thought it was brave...but the boy in these visions is just a coward. I was...I've just never to get along...with anyone. So I'd rather be alone now. And if I look like a monster and everyone is scared of me too, I think it would be a very fitting end for me. But...Jenny. I am sorry. I am sorry for hurting familiars. They never hurt me. I see that now, as clear as day. Chester would never have hurt me. I hope you'll meet him one day and tell him I'm sorry."

"I hope so too. I can't speak for him, but I think, if he's anything like me, he will be extremely happy to hear you say that. And he might want to tell you in return that...he still loves you, and he understands that you were in pain, and all he's ever wanted was to hear those words from that he can forgive you...with all of his heart." I was dangerously close to tears myself.

Piers nodded solemnly, taking in my words for Bernard, and in that moment, I knew we both expected that we wouldn't see our companions again, and all we could do was to say these things to each other.

"Tell him that I would say I love him too, but if I did, I wouldn't have hurt him like I did. I accept my punishment."

Queen Morgana gave Lady Ceres the signal.

Chapter Seventeen


I was prepared this time. I was already imagining Piers turning into a sort of demon himself. Maybe not a demon in the same way as Variel. In fact, I thought my mind would turn Piers into something lean and shadowy, with haunted eyes and long grasping fingers.

I thought I knew how I saw him. And I knew that Piers already wanted to be alone. I hoped he would be able to survive well on his own, that he would find peace.

My subconscious had other ideas.

As he transformed, Daisy sprung out of her chair and yelled, "What the hell!?"

Piers' missing hand was restored. His scars faded away. He seemed to grow less pale, as the dark circles under his eyes faded. His hair got thicker and longer. His face changed.

He turned into about the most beautiful man I'd ever seen.


"This is how Mistress Jenny judges you," Queen Morgana said, and she didn't even sound surprised, but Piers made this sound that was nearly as horrified as Variel, although more strangled.

"That--can't be right!" I cried. I looked anxiously at Bevan. "This isn't what it looks like!"

"I didn't say it looked like anything," Bevan said. "But...I do...have questions. Lots of questions."

"What the hell is this!?" Piers said. “This is no judgment! I'm supposed to be a monster! I don't even know who this person is!" He pointed at the mirror.

"Would you rather be turned into a monster like Variel?" Queen Morgana asked.

"Yes, yes, I probably would!" This was about the most emotion I'd ever seen from Piers. "At least a monster would be…cool!”

Piers had always been so mature, so cautious with his emotions, and I almost found it a little bit sweet that he wanted to become a cool monster. I remembered a time when Bernard always pretended to be a dragon.

"We must trust the magic," Queen Morgana said. "Thank you, Jenny. Forgive me for putting you through this, but I think you've made very wise choices."

All I could think was that I'd learned why everyone always said not to trust the faeries. Wise choices? These weren't my choices!

You would think turning Variel into a dangerous demon bat monster would be the bigger story of the night, but Piers looked as stunned as Variel did.

"What do I do now?" he said, but he didn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular.

Daisy was heading our way now. "Uh-uh," she said. "Oh, no. No. Cyrus! What the heck is that? Jenny, don't you tell me you see Piers as whatever forgotten Disney prince look this is." She gestured to him wildly. "I burned his face and we don't even get to keep that?"

"Shhh!" Cyrus hissed at her. "And to think Orson and his farts were banned from court and not you."

"Oh, shut up!"

"I tried to restrain her," Larkin said, coming along a step behind her. "But it's like trying to hold down a cat."

"I've never seen him as this!" I was so embarrassed and there seemed no way out. Was this trying to tell me something I didn't Copyright 2016 - 2024