Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,73

catches him off guard.

He tilts his head, and then almost as if he silently says fuck it, he leans in and offers me a hug. These guys aren’t big huggers, especially to another brother’s woman, so I take it as the gift it is. He’s welcomed me into his club and has given me his blessing to be with his brother and best friend. That’s a pretty damn good feeling. His ol’ lady leans in to embrace me once Chaos has moved out of the way, whispering, “I’m excited for you and Bash.”

“Thank you,” I reply, and the other guys congratulate me as well. The moment fades into the background, but it’s a memory I won’t ever forget.

Bash presses a kiss to my temple. “You’re not crushing on my prez, hm? Gonna make me jealous?” I can feel his grin against my skin, and I shake my head.

I meet his gaze, wearing a tender smile. “Never, that man is my brother now too. He was congratulating us, and it was a big compliment coming from your best friend, babe. I don’t ever want to cause problems for your club or your brothers. This is your life, and I’m a part of that now too.”

His hand goes to my chin, and he tilts my face up, his cobalt irises taking me in. He shakes his head. “You’re wrong.”

I swallow tightly, suddenly not feeling so confident with everything. “I am?”

“This isn’t my life, it used to be. This is my club, my brothers. You and our baby are my life.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Angel. Forever.”



Forever is composed of nows. - Emily Dickinson

Savannah’s water just broke, and now she’s freaking out…

“I can’t believe all of this hasn’t made you want to run away from me,” she murmurs, looking a little lost and broken. Her pregnancy is making her worry overtime. Now that the baby’s coming, she’s afraid I’m not going to stick around, but she couldn’t be further from the truth. A little labor and delivery won’t scare me off, especially not when I plan on knocking her up again as soon as she’ll allow me to.

“Angel, I’m a thirty-two-year-old man. I’ve lived long enough that these issues we’ve gone through don’t mean anything to me. Aside from me making sure everything is taken care of, however that may be. I’m old enough to be ready for a family; you and the pregnancy have been the light in my life so far. The shit storm you were dealing with, never should’ve been at your door in the first place. You fell victim to a duo of predators, and you never deserved to go through any of it. I’ll always protect you from any problems I can. Running away from you is the very last thing I want; in fact, I think it’s time we made it official.”


“That you’re my ol’ lady, my woman. We’ve mentioned it in passing, but it’s overdue that we have a serious discussion on it. There won’t ever be another for me, Savannah. You’re it for me. Also that we’re living together. I’m getting rid of my apartment, and we’re gonna find a nice house with a yard and a garage that you love. We’ll buy it, and we’ll raise our family there.”

Her brow wrinkles as her mind races with my words. “You would do all of this for me and our baby, Bash?”

“I’d do so much more, Savannah. All you have to do is ask, baby. I meant it when I told you that you’re my whole world.”

She bites her bottom lip, her eyes falling to the ground before determination steals over her regard, and she meets my curious stare. “Would you marry me?”

I swallow, not expecting that. She always has a way of throwing me off-kilter. “Is that what you want?” It may be hard while she’s pushing out my kid, but where there’s a will, there’s a way, and I’ll somehow figure out a way to make it happen.

“If my father were still alive, he’d insist on it. In our culture, you’re married before having a child…well, that’s how it’s preached anyhow.”

“We don’t have to follow anything we don’t want to.” Besides, her water already broke. I’d say it’s a little too late for us to be following all the traditions now.

She nods, releasing a breath. “I know, but it would’ve made him proud of me.”

“I’d bet a million times over that he’s prouder of you than you can ever imagine.”

Tears fill her eyes. “I hope so, but I want to honor him this way.”

“I would love to marry you, don’t get me wrong, but I will only do it if it’s what you want, not for your old man. Tell me, baby, you wanna marry me because you love me and can’t imagine your future without me being in it?” I ask, ready to fall down on bended knee if she were to agree. I don’t plan on ever letting her go, regardless of if we’re married or not. I’ve already committed myself to her and our son. That won’t change in the slightest whether she has a ring on her finger or not. She’ll have my property patch on her, and that’s proof enough for me.

Her lip trembles, and with it, fresh tears fall. She whispers, “I do love you, Sebastian. I want to marry you more than anything.”

With a swift nod, I bend, holding her hand in mine. “I love you, Angel. I promise to cherish and protect you always. I promise to hold you and our children near to my heart, and always put my family above all else. I promise to be your ol’ man, if you’ll be my ol’ lady…will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and my partner?

“Oh, honey,” she breathes. “Yes, yes, yes!”

I leap up, wrapping her in my arms, wearing a smile so wide it makes my face hurt. “You’re mine,” I growl, leaning my forehead against hers, wanting a kiss.

I’ll be texting my brothers in about two minutes to discuss this marriage. I don’t care if they have to kidnap a priest for me, I need one ASAP. First of all, however, I need to drive my woman to the hospital. Her safety and well-being are above all else, no matter how much I wish I could shower her with love for the rest of the day. We’re having a kid today, and my world is becoming even more complete.

“I am yours.” She flashes me a grin as I help her to the car. “And you’re mine too.”

“Forever, Angel.” I lean in, taking her mouth with mine, sealing our fate with a promise and a kiss.

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