Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,54

I tease.

He winks, flashing me a grin, looking even sexier now that his mood seems to be lifting. “Not gonna lie, thought you were giving me the boot. You had me sweating.”

I laugh loudly at seeing him exhale in relief. “Oh, please, there’s no way I could leave you, Sebastian. Not anymore. I’m in too deep. I may’ve considered it in the beginning. I tried warning myself to be safe and hold back from getting in too deep with you, but that thought is gone.”

“Thank God,” he rasps, moving to peel my shirt off. “These perfect tits are gonna swell, and I can’t wait to suck and fuck ‘em, Baby. You’re already the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, but imagining you rounded out with my kid, makes me want to come in my pants.”

“How about you come in me instead?” I suggest, squirming my way free to crawl over the huge bed toward the pillows. At least when he ordered the new bed, he had enough sense to order sheets and a comforter the same shade as my old set.

“Mm, you feeling well enough for me to ravage you? Not trying to make you uncomfortable when you’re sick. Sex can wait, Angel. I’ll be patient for you.”

I wiggle my eyebrows, licking my lips at the thought of him ravishing me. “More than all right. I’m feeling extra horny for my man…for my baby daddy.” The swirling emotions that were plaguing me when he arrived have passed. I haven’t felt this at ease in a long time, and there’s nothing I’d enjoy more than having him closer. I want to feel him all over me.

He groans loudly. “You can call me daddy all fucking night, Savannah. I’ll make your sexy ass come so many times you pass the fuck out.”

“Sounds perfect to me,” I retort, my body igniting in response. Sebastian reaches for my ankles, tugging my yoga pants down my legs and tosses them behind him toward the closet. I may have a thing about stuff being everywhere and he’s been good so far about trying not to leave clothes strewn about. He’s a man, though, so there’re T-shirts often left in random spots around the apartment. Drives me crazy to find them when I clean up, but I’d miss them if they were gone completely.

His tattooed hands trail up my thighs, his fingers grabbing for my panties next. I’m already panting in anticipation as to what’s to come. He never disappoints or leaves me needy. The man knows how to satisfy like no other. “You have too many clothes on,” I point out, wanting him naked as well. I love his body and can never get enough of rubbing my hands all over him.

He shrugs. “The only thing I need to worry about is pulling my cock out enough to stick it in your warm, wet cunt. I’m not all pretty and curvy in the right spots like you.”

I offer a grin and argue. “Not so fast. I want to see skin. You know I like to look at you.”

He smirks, his cobalt irises sparkling. “You will, only it’ll be your skin on display. Now hush up and let me eat this tasty pussy.”

“Oh, Lord!” I nearly shout as his mouth meets my core, and his firm grip digs into my hips. I’ve concluded that this man is insatiable where my vagina is concerned. I don’t mind, even though it’s what got us pregnant in the first place. He’s too good. I won’t tell him that and stroke his ego any further. Right now, he’s hot and humble, and I don’t ever want that to change.

“Can’t get enough of you, Sav.”

Thank God for that.

“I don’t mind,” I sigh, as I fall a little deeper for Sebastian. I’m already in-lust with him, but his understanding and willingness to protect me has me feeling more on the in-love side. I can feel the hooks sinking their way into me, linking me to him more than before. I was already crazy about him; now, we’re having a baby together, and he covets even more of me. It requires one heck of a man to be that decent and strong. He’ll take on all my weight and not even blink over it. “Please, don’t ever stop.” I breathe the plea. He probably thinks I’m talking about him licking me so thoroughly, but I’m not.

“Not planning on it. If you can talk this much, then I’m not doing a proper enough job,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024