Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,22

to breathily protest. Although my body is telling me to lie down and spread wide. “I can’t have sex with you.”

“No?” he growls, his pupils dilated with desire. The word is more of a taunt as he doesn’t hesitate to pump into my core again, then go back in, adding a second finger. He’s testing me to see if I mean it, if I can hold on to my willpower. Lord knows I don’t want to. I wish I could do whatever I want, but I have to be rational, think about the potential consequences.

“Oh, Bash… Oh, geez.”

“Yeah?” He tugs my earlobe between his teeth, biting down hard enough to send a shock of pain down my throat. My nipples are on full alert, begging for him to bite there next.

“I mean it. We can’t have sex,” I blurt out, reminding him, even though every bit of me wants to give in and allow him to take me right here. We’re outside, in the open for anyone to see us. Not only that, but it’s far too soon. I’m not an easy lay; I never have been.

“Good thing I’m only finger fucking you then, huh?” Another whimpering moan escapes my lips at the deep rumbling timbre of his words. “Christ, Angel, this pussy is so goddamn juicy for me. I’ve been dreaming of this peachy cunt, and it’s more perfect than I’d imagined.”

My pussy clenches at his throaty rasp and my nipples pebble, my body craving its fair share of attention in all this delicious torment. It’s not going to happen, though—us getting closer—it can’t. “Your touch…it feels good—real good.” And that’s putting it lightly.

“What does? My fingers thrusting into this tight, creamy cunt?”

“Mm.” My pelvis thrusts, moving with his hand as my orgasm swiftly builds into something intense and divine. He pushes in, especially deep, and my toes curl. It feels so damn amazing. “Faster,” I hiss, and he immediately speeds up, pumping two fingers in and out repeatedly.

“I’d add another finger, but, baby, this pussy is so fuckin’ tight. I don’t wanna hurt you. Christ, when I do stick my cock in you—and before you argue about it, you better realize it’s gonna fucking happen, I promise you that much. But, when I do get in this warm, wet cunt, my cock’s gonna stretch you so fuckin’ good, it’ll make you scream my name. You’ll want more. That, I can promise you.”

His words send me over. My forehead hits his shoulder, and my pussy squeezes his fingers as tightly as possible. My mouth falls open as my juices down below gush out, leaking all over his hand and my ass crack. He continues to pump them, allowing me to work through every last second of my blissful orgasm.

“Goddamn,” he curses quietly. “Damn.” I open my eyes with my mouth parted, expelling soft pants as I meet his blazing cerulean stare. Jesus, I don’t know if I’ve ever witnessed a man with me look as turned on as he does. His skin is flushed, his nostrils flaring as he breathes me in. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Angel. Swear it on my life.”

His compliment has me tilting my head a bit to gaze at him through my lashes. The feeling is completely mutual. He’s gorgeous. I can’t believe I just let myself go like that with him—out here. It’s reckless, and not like me, but I’m not the least bit sorry for it. That orgasm was intense, and I needed it more than I realized.

He pulls his wet, sticky fingers free, and I slowly slide back down off his hips to plant my feet on the gravel. I can’t turn away, watching as he sticks the two fingers from my pussy into his mouth. He sucks, emitting a long, intense groan. His eyes flutter closed as he savors my taste before removing them to compliment, “So sweet.”

My lips lift into a smile, and I bite my bottom lip. I admit, “That was a little crazy.”

He drops his fingers, flashing me a grin. “Nah, Sweet Pea, that was merely an appetizer.”

“That so?” A giggle escapes me, and my eyes go wide as he goes to his knees before me. “W-what are you doing?” I whisper-shout, floored by his spontaneous actions.

Sebastian flashes me that smug smile of his that reels me in and ducks his head under my dress. It’s a loose, knee-length sundress that surprisingly has enough stretch so he can easily fit underneath. He draws in Copyright 2016 - 2024