The Bareknuckle Groom - Holly Bush Page 0,18

would not fare well. I would advise you to hurry down those servants’ steps right now before anyone comes upon us.”

“Ma’am,” he said, nodding to Aunt Louisa. “Miss Vermeal was resting as the result of a headache when I accidentally came upon her. My apologies for not leaving her side immediately. She is perfectly innocent.”

Aunt Louisa shook her head at him and harrumphed. “Go!” She pointed to a well-concealed doorway.

He bowed when he turned to Lucinda, and the side of his mouth came up in a ridiculously appealing nod to their intimacies. “Miss Vermeal.”

“You are never to dance with Edith Fairchild again. Good night, Mr. Thompson.”

She turned and swept down the hallway, catching her aunt’s arm in hers. They approached the ballroom, and Edith Fairchild hurried to her.

“We have been worried about you, dearest! You just disappeared!”

“My head was aching, so I found an empty room and laid down and closed my eyes for a few minutes. As you can see, I have been restored to good health.” Lucinda smiled at her friend, who looked at her as if she had seen too much.

Aunt Louisa kissed her cheek as if she’d not confronted her sneaking out of a room in company with a man. “I am so glad you are feeling better, dear. Now enjoy yourself—unless you’d like me to call for the carriage?”

“No, no, Aunt. I am perfectly recovered and would like to have some of that supper they have laid out in the next room. Suddenly, I am famished!”

Aunt Louisa walked to where matrons were gathered, and Lucinda turned to find Edith staring at her.

“I was told this evening that you shared a dance with Mr. Thompson lately and then we noticed he was missing from this party at the same time you were. Strange, isn’t it?”

Lucinda shrugged and eyed her with a calm and regal look. “I suppose it would be if not for the fact that I was reclining in a room down the hall with my eyes closed and anyway, I hardly keep track of every gentleman I dance with. Come, Edith. I am starving.”

Chapter 5

James rang the bell on Alexander and Elspeth’s door. It was opened swiftly by Baxter, his sister’s butler. His sister’s butler! He thought to himself and laughed. His sister, who was coming down the hall toward him now, had a butler.

“Oh, thank you, Baxter. I shall take charge of my brother from here. Come in, James. Alexander is waiting for you,” she said and linked arms with him.

“You’re looking lovely, as usual, Elspeth. Married life must agree with you.”

“Oh, it does, James.” She smiled. “I couldn’t be happier, especially . . .”

He stopped in the wide hallway as they approached his brother-in-law’s study. “Especially?”

Her face colored, and her lips trembled into a smile. “I will be presenting Alexander with a son or daughter by late summer.”

He felt tears prick the back of his eyes. His precious Elspeth, who they’d nearly lost eighteen months ago and who’d proven herself a fierce warrior in her own right. He loved her with all of his heart. He held her face in his palms.

“Elspeth. My sweet girl. You are glowing.” He picked her up by the waist and swung her around.

“I see you told him,” he heard Alexander say.

Elspeth hurried to her husband’s side. “I’m so sorry! I just couldn’t wait!”

He kissed her cheek and held his hand out to James. “Glad you could stop by.”

“Congratulations to you too, Alexander!” James followed them into the library. “Your note sounded mysterious. What is it you wish to discuss?”

“I will send in a coffee tray so that you two can have your meeting. I’m joining Mrs. Emory in a moment to discuss some renovations I have planned for the bedrooms.”

James watched her walk out after smiling shyly at her husband as if they had just met. He turned to his brother-in-law. “I was worried for her the last few years before her marriage. She seemed directionless and discontented. Then I was terrified for her when she was kidnapped. As proud as I was of her, she could have spent years being fearful and feeling guilty, but she has not. She has embraced her new life. You have my undying respect for caring for her and making her happy.”

Alexander looked embarrassed by the praise. “I love her. I love her more than I could ever conceive of loving anyone. She is the center of my world. I would do anything to make her comfortable and happy, including,” Copyright 2016 - 2024