Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,56

another step back. “I think you should go.”

“No,” he says, shaking his head. “We need to sort this out.”

“It’s not going to get sorted out today, Nic. I’m too upset and hurt. I’m still in shock that you could even do something like this, let alone process the hurt you caused with your misguided need to get me back. I just … I need time. I need time away from you to clear my head and if you want any chance at all of fixing what you broke, then you’re going to have to give me that.”

“Babe …”

“No, Nic. You need to go. I’m late for class and I just … I can’t do this right now. I need to think.”

He takes a heavy breath and meets my eyes with regret shining so fucking brightly that it hurts. “I’m sorry, O. Please know that it wasn’t my intent to hurt you, I just wanted to rattle Carrington a bit. If I knew … I never would have done it.”

I nod and we hold each other’s gaze for a minute too long before he reluctantly steps back. “Time,” he murmurs.

I nod and he takes another step followed by another until he finally turns and walks away, leaving me a fucking mess of emotions.

Chapter 14

I walk through the door of the Carrington mansion completely deflated. Today sucked, like really sucked. I went to school thinking I could forget about everything Nic had done. What a joke that was.

Sure, there were a lot of things I expected to happen today. A million phone calls, text messages, hell even the odd email or two. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Dominic Garcia storming through the cafeteria of Bellevue Springs Private School and forcing my hand in front of the entire student body. Then after that, I had to spend the rest of my afternoon dodging questions from Jess and Drix, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

I wasn't ready to see him. Not in the least, but I should have known. That was stupid of me. This new version of Nic is unpredictable. He's wild and out of control. I should have known that he'd shit all over the limits I'd put in place. I’ll be better prepared next time because, with Nic, there’s always a next time.

I don't even know who he is anymore but one thing is for sure, the old Nic no longer exists, at least, I don’t think he does. Seeing the look in his eye today told me that maybe he’s still in there, buried deep, deep below the surface, but it’ll take a miracle to find it. Someone needs to save him and I’m not sure I have the power to do it anymore, especially now that the Widows have completely taken over his life. He's changing by the day, by the second, constantly getting darker. He needs someone who can balance that out.

Heartache sits heavy on my shoulders as I make my way through the mansion, searching out the one person who could effortlessly put a smile on my face. I go by his office first and for the first time since taking over for his father, he’s not in there.

My face scrunches up in confusion. For Colton not to be busily reading over a contract or in the middle of a business deal means that something is up.

I hope he’s alright.

I start searching the mansion, starting with his bedroom and then the kitchen, because why not take a nap or stop for a treat every now and then? Not finding him, I look a little deeper, checking the living spaces and all of the meeting rooms.

Damn it. Is he even here? Maybe he headed out for the afternoon.

Giving up, I start heading out to the pool house, pulling my phone out to send him a quick text when a soft grunt comes from down the hall.

My brows furrow as I spy the entrance to the home gym.

What the fuck is he doing in there? Not once since being here has he ever worked out in the afternoon. He's a morning guy. He’d prefer to skip a good sleep-in and spend torturous hours working out in the gym, getting all sweaty, and making his body ache. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the occasional exercise, but if I’m going to get sweaty at six in the morning, it’s going to be from nasty, wild sex.

Stopping by the entrance of the gym, Copyright 2016 - 2024