Bait N' Witch (Brimstone Inc. #3) - Abigail Owen Page 0,67

softly. “I think it’s too late to stop.”

He didn’t return the smile, needing an answer.

Without his saying more, she seemed to understand. “Somewhere between trying to protect myself from you and then trying to help you with the girls, I fell in love with you, Greyson Masters. With all of you. Spending the rest of my life at your side won’t be long enough. I don’t need any sigil to tell me something my heart already knows.”

Unable to resist any longer, he laid his lips over hers, claiming her in the most basic way, with a kiss. He savored and sipped at her for a long while before pulling back, allowing his gaze to take in every curve and angle of her face. “I love you, too.”

She dimpled, eyes sparkling at him. Then she sobered. “The girls?”

“Helped save you because they love you. They will be thrilled. They love you as much as I do.”

Again, that glowing smile stole his breath. “That is a relief.”

He stole a kiss in return. “Let’s go home.”

She gave a contented sigh. “All I ever wanted, and never thought I could have, was to call your home my home.”

He put his forehead to hers, closing his eyes and inhaling, letting the tension go with the knowledge that she’d be his forever. “For the rest of our lives. I can hardly believe this is real. Maybe I died in that spirit realm.”

He took her hand and put it over his beating heart so she could feel for herself his heat and the thumping tumble of beats inside his chest. “It’s real. All of it.”


Delilah walked away from the door with zero remorse at listening in but satisfied the situation had finally been resolved to her liking. Rowan and Greyson had not been a foregone conclusion. Nor had been the Covens Syndicate decision not to imprison or kill Rowan, given her background and actions.

Now Delilah could turn her full attention to other clients whom she’d basically put on a back burner for the last few weeks as this situation had needed her full attention. She had to check in with Nico on his investigation of the woman who kept fading from sight. And a request to find a supernatural doctor to send up north to attend to an isolated town of elves had recently hit her desk. Except paranormal doctors were a rare breed.

Lost in her thoughts, only finely tuned instinct saved her from being knocked on her ass when a door opened right in her path, stopping inches from her face.

The door closed to reveal the imposing form of Alasdair Blakesley. She kept her expression bland, despite her pounding heart, which had nothing to do with almost being clobbered by the door and everything to do with the visceral reaction this man pulled from her with merely a glance.

How had she not come across this warlock before?

“Excuse me,” she murmured, and went to walk around him.


She turned, refusing to acknowledge what his deep voice did to her. “Yes?”

“Your manipulations worked out.”

She raised her eyebrows coolly and said nothing.

“That is the only reason I’m allowing you to walk out of here unchallenged and unscathed.”

Irritation spiked through her blood, along with a reaction she hadn’t felt in years: challenge. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

She turned to go, only to be stopped by his hand on her arm, his touch insistent and dragging an immediate reaction of need from her reluctant body.

“I don’t make this warning lightly,” he murmured.

“I believe you.”

“Stay away from my people.”

Now she cocked her head. “I’ll stay away from them if they stay away from me and my clients.”

Alasdair’s lips thinned, his eyes like ice chips. “I understand you have quite a varied clientele. That could prove…difficult.”

She shrugged. His problem. Not hers.

He considered her for a long moment, and she refused to look away from his stare. After a moment, his lips hitched in a shadow of a smile. “Will you at least contact me if witches are involved?”

Delilah pursed her lips. She disliked being cornered or beholden to anyone. “I can’t make guarantees, because it may depend on my client and the privacy privileges they hold with me. But I will when I can. That’s the best I can do.”

He inclined his head, though his jaw hardened. “Fair enough.”

She glanced down at his hand still on her arm, studying his long, tapered fingers and a burn mark across the side. Interesting. “May I go?”

Now he did smile, a real one that reached his eyes, and she sucked in a sharp breath. “I’ll see you again, I’m sure.”

Delilah turned on her stiletto heels and clacked down the hallway, uncomfortably aware of his gaze on her until she rounded a bend.

Not if I see you first.

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I get to do what I love surrounded by the people I love—a blessing that I thank God for every single day. Writing and publishing a book doesn’t happen without the support and help from a host of incredible people.

To my fantastic, paranormal romance readers… Thanks for going on these journeys with me, for your kindness, your support, and generally being awesome. Rowan and Grey’s romance was one that took more twists than even I expected. I hope you fell in love with these characters and their story as much as I did. If you have a free sec, please think about leaving a review. Also, I love to connect with my readers, so I hope you’ll drop a line and say “Howdy” on any of my social media!

To my editor, Heather Howland…as always, working with you is the best time I have with writing my stories.

To my Entangled team…best in the business and awesome friends.

To my agent, Evan Marshall… Thank you for your constant support.

To my support team of friends, sprinting partners, beta readers, critique partners, writing buddies, reviewers, and family (you know who you are)… I know I say this every time, but I mean it… My stories wouldn’t come alive the way they do if I didn’t have the wonderful experiences and support that I do. And that’s all because of you.

Finally, to my own bonded partner…I love you so much. To our awesome kids, I don’t know how it’s possible, but I love you more every day. I can’t wait to see the story of your own lives.

About the Author

Award-winning paranormal romance author Abigail Owen grew up consuming books and exploring the world through her writing. She loves to write witty, feisty heroines, sexy heroes who deserve them, and a cast of lovable characters to surround them (and maybe get their own stories). She currently resides in Austin, Texas, with her own personal hero, her husband, and their two children, who are growing up way too fast.

Don’t miss the Brimstone Inc. series…

The Demigod Complex

Shift Out of Luck

Also by Abigail Owen…

The Mate

The Boss

The Rookie

The Enforcer

The Rogue King

The Blood King

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