Baewatch - Xavier Neal Page 0,50

action sends us all into a fit of laughter, including our new water-stationed friend.

“Guess you’ve got your answer,” my chortle is accompanied by me extending my opened hand towards the good-spirited mammal.

It swims over, nudges my palm, and immediately disappears back underneath the surface afterwards. Just when I prepare to ask Brooklyn about her previous dolphin experience, I feel aggressive pushing against the bottom of my bare foot. There’s no time to verbally question what’s going on. One hard forceful nudge is all it takes to send me and my girlfriend flying over the side. Thankfully, my board is leashed to me and my grip on the paddle isn’t lost; however, panic that I choose to rescue it over the love of my life quickly sets in, leaving me prepared to abandon it in a haste to save her.

It’s no surprise when Brooklyn and I pop back up at the same time, yet I’m immediately relieved by the sight of her grinning and giggling. More reprieve sinks in as she coos at the creature in gratitude for retrieving her momentarily lost sunglasses while I hoist myself back onto my SUP. The sweet gesture is proceeded by the animal kindly assisting her in joining me back on the device.

“Bro,” E begins a low laugh, “I think that dolphin is tryin’ to get fresh with your chick.”

“They don’t do that,” Bodhi bites at what he believes to be an outrageous allegation.

“Uh…they do,” my uncomfortable answer is accompanied by me pulling Brooklyn closer, “but I think this one just wants to play.”

The dolphin nuzzles Brooklyn’s leg in a request for more attention.

“I mean…it better just wanna fucking play…”

Another round of laughter leaves Brooklyn. Once it starts to die down, she leans forward, lips pursed and plants a kiss on its nose.

Squeaks of approval echo around me alongside my best friends’ chortles.

“Babe, don’t make me commit a hate crime on Winter here.”

“You mean Free Willy?” E casually questions. “Cause he was a killer whale.”

“No, I meant Winter, like from Dolphin Tale.”

“Is that like a Free Willy prequel or sequel?”

“Do you mean Flipper, E?” Brooklyn ponders out, poorly holding in her giggles. “Because Flipper was the old movie about a bottlenose dolphin resembling this one while Free Willy was about an orca, which looks nothing like this, though is still strangely enough actually a dolphin and not a whale.”

“Fucking really?” E’s head tilts in curiosity. “Killer whales aren’t whales?”

“Afraid not,” my girlfriend innocently responds.

Bodhi slowly shakes his head. “How do you know so very little about the ocean?”

“How do you know so very little about pussy?”


“I know about mature pussy as well.”

Brooklyn snickers at the same time I drop my forehead onto her shoulder and shake it.

“Could you not say that type of shit in mixed company?”

“Could you not pussy ache like yours hasn’t been properly touched in a while?”

“Sunshineandseashells, they never stop, do they?” the lovely lady in my arms questions in a low voice.

I prop my chin up on her shoulder and sigh, “Not until there’s food in their face or extreme sports on the screen.”

The response receives another loud laugh, a sound much better than their bickering.

Thoughtlessly, a question leaves my lips, cloaked in hope and high optimism. “You think you could get used to this?”

“Their fighting?”

“Hanging out with them?” My nose steals a nuzzle of her neck. “Having them in your life?”

“I want you in my life,” Brooklyn sweetly states as her stare meets mine. “If that means spending time with them-”

“I hope a Sharknado fucking gets you!” E childishly exclaims.

“-then absolutely, bae.”

“Oh, we’re just saying asinine shit now for show?!” Bodhi barks back. “Then, I hope a fucking iceberg sinks your SUP!”

“How. Dare. You!”

Rather than referee their squabbles, I take advantage of their distractedness. My lips lightly knock against hers, seeking permission for entry and are immediately granted an all access pass I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of using. Our tongues tangle together like blades of seaweed as the sounds of my friends, the splashing animal, and the sweet ocean waves all fade away.

The outside world always does whenever Brooklyn’s in my arms.

Suddenly, she becomes the only thing that matters.

It should scare the shit out of me the way wiping out in rougher weather tends to, yet it doesn’t.

If I’m being completely honest, it’s the contrary.

Having her close to me, safe and secure, healthy and happy, fills me with unmatched content.

I swear it’s like having all the best parts of the beach, the ocean, the sunshine, and surfing Copyright 2016 - 2024