Badly Behaved - Meagan Brandy Page 0,29

it would have been posted on the Orange County social media pages.

If Ransom hadn’t shown up, I would be royally—


My arms fall to my sides and I subconsciously glance in the direction I came from.

He just happened to be in Scott’s neighborhood tonight?

I was kidding before, but maybe he really is a stalker.

Disoriented, I try to shake my mind free, and pull my phone closer. I scroll until I reach my sister’s name, but once I’m staring at it, my thumb decides to hover there.

If I call, she’ll ask questions, which is fine. I could tell her what happened, and she’d have my back if I needed her to, but who will have Ransom’s?

Why is that my problem?

I squeeze my eyes shut a long moment, and before I’m forced to make a decision, my phone makes it for me, the battery dying.

Shoving it back in my bag, I walk the last two miles to my house.

My morning begins before dawn, courtesy of a hard knock on the door, two men in uniform on the other side of it. They ask me questions about my car and where I was last night.

I play dumb and claim to have been home since school the day before.

They let me know my car was totaled. Apparently, they found it in a ditch, every inch of it up in flames, and it appeared to have been chopped for parts, the stereo as well as navigation being the few examples they gave.

It takes all my effort not to smile.

Of course, he didn’t simply wait there for the cops to arrive.

As my eyes lift again, one of the officers, the younger, beefier one, narrows his, and I square my shoulders in response.

It was ‘stolen,’ what is there for me to be concerned about?

“Miss Filano.” He drags my name out as long as possible. “Mind if we see the keys, so we can note that you have them in our report. It will make everything nice and clear for the insurance claim.”


“Yeah.” My response is a little rushed, and I nod, the door already closing as I begin to slink away. “Just... give me a second to grab them.”

My back hits the wall the moment I close the cops outside, and I squeeze my eyes shut.

“Shit, shit, shit!” I hiss, flying into the kitchen, and begin to pace, my hands tearing through my hair, trying to think, when a flash of black catches my eye.

I whip around and my breath freezes in my throat.

The bay doors leading to the back are wide open, a light breeze carrying the curtains into the house, and just outside of it... Ransom.

His glare is heavy, angry, and tipped low.

Dirt lines his jaw, what looks like blood is dried to his right brow, and he’s wearing the same clothes from the day before.

His arm comes up, his hand opening, and inside his palm, dangling from one finger... my keys.

My eyes widen and I dart forward, but as I reach him, reaching for them, his fist closes.

He backs away and a lump forms in my throat. I’m about to vomit, or scream, but then he tosses them against my chest.

A clipped huff leaves me, and I jolt, prepared to run back, but as I get a better look at him, my bare feet root in place.

His face is pulled tight, his body rigid, as if he’s on the verge of... I don’t know what.

A hard tap sounds behind me and I blink, keeping my eyes on him a moment longer, before running for the front door.

Yanking it open, I muster a smile, swinging the keys in the air in faux enthusiasm, and set them in the questioning officer’s hand. The man at his side gives me a tight-lipped grin as if to apologize for his partner, and within ten minutes, they’re gone.

As soon as the lock is clicked in place, I take a settling breath, flattening my palm against my forehead.

I head out back, but Ransom is gone.

Staring at the still locked gate at the far side of my yard, I lean against the frame, confusion bringing a frown to my face.

I may not have realized it right away, but he saved my ass last night in a big way, and again just now.

He went out of his way and he did it without my asking, without reason and for zero gain. I pretty much depreciated the situation and still he pushed me to go, as if it was his place, as if compelled.

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