A Bad Day for Sunshine (Sunshine Vicram #1) - Darynda Jones Page 0,52

shit-eating grin before he turned and followed his younger cousin inside.

With little choice, Sun climbed back into the cruiser. Quincy followed, but Fields stayed back.

“You’re just going to let this go? It’s the only lead you have.”

“I have no intention of letting it go, but I know the Ravinders. The more we push, the more belligerent they become.” She gestured for him to get inside the cruiser. Once he was inside, she asked Quincy, “How fast can you get into civvies and get back out here?”

He smiled. “Depends on how long it takes you to get back to the station, Grandma.”

“Do they know your vehicle?” she asked him.

“Yep, but they don’t know the Yellow Jacket.”

“You still have your mom’s junker?”

“Junker?” he asked, thoroughly offended. “Well, okay. But you have no idea how much action that old pickup has seen.”

“Um, ew?”

“Jealousy is so unbecoming.”

Fields leaned forward. “May I ask what we’re doing?”

“Wait,” Quincy said, cutting Fields off. “You are jealous, right?”

“Levi Ravinder just happens to be the best tracker in the area,” she said, ignoring her BFF. “Probably the entire state and quite possibly the entire country. If he’s tracking Jimmy and the only lead we have connects Sybil St. Aubin to him, we’re following up on that lead.”

Quince urged her to drive faster, gesturing with his hand. “It won’t take them long to change, eat, and get back out there.”

“I’m hurrying,” she said, trying to stay on the slippery road.

She didn’t want to say it out loud, not with Fields there since he was such a pessimist concerning the note, but according to Sybil, there was a strong possibility the girl was being held somewhere in the mountains as well. Since that covered thousands of square miles, she’d stick with Levi.

“We just need to know where they’re concentrating their efforts. We can get the search party started from there.”

“How long will it take to get a search party going?” Quincy asked, already stripping.

“For now, it’ll just be us. If you’re up for it, Agent Fields.”

He nodded. “Of course. I have a change of clothes in my car.”

“It’s too late to get a large party going. It’ll be dark in two hours. Tomorrow, we can call in the volunteers and get an early start. And you might want to invite your sister. She’s amazing.”

“That she is.”

“His sister?” Fields asked.

“Twins,” Sun said. “Wait until you meet her. You can hardly tell them apart.”

She and Quincy laughed softly, and Fields apparently decided not to go there.

The minute Sun stepped inside the station, Anita handed her a file with everything they’d found at the St. Aubin house.

“No blood,” Anita said, filling her in as Sun examined the construction crew installing temporary wood panels at the front of the station. Which would certainly help with the heating bill. “But they did find a partial fingerprint. Price is bringing it in now. And they sent over a description of what Sybil was wearing the day before she disappeared. Mrs. St. Aubin can’t find those clothes, so she could still be in them.”

“And the photo? It looks like an ad off the internet.”

“It is an ad off the internet. That’s the backpack the button came from. She could have it with her.”

Sun studied the list and the photo. “Anita, you are a god among mortals. Get this out to everyone.”

Anita lowered her head, unused to such compliments, then turned to Fields as he scanned the file over Sun’s shoulder. “Mr. St. Aubin is home. He wants an update.”

Her words seemed to irk the agent if the straight line across his face where his mouth used to be were any indication. She could hardly blame him. Mr. St. Aubin was used to getting his way because of his money. That wouldn’t get him far with a hardworking field agent.

“Would you mind calling him for me, Anita?” He took his clothes and followed Quincy to the locker room.

“What should I say?”

“Tell him I’ll call him when I have something.”

Anita shrugged and went back to her desk to make the call.

Sun watched him go. Chiseled features. Assertive personality. Penis.

All qualities she liked in a guy.


Suspect arrested for shoplifting a travel-sized

toothpaste and for murdering his neighbor.

The incidents do not seem to be related.


Before they headed out, Sun checked in on her inquisitive daughter. “Knock, knock,” she texted.

After a few seconds, her phone vibrated. “Who’s there?”

“Mrs. Are you staying out of trouble?”

“Mrs. Are you staying out of trouble who?”

Sun giggled. “Mrs. Are you staying out of trouble because if

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