Bad Boy (An Indecent Proposal) - J.C. Reed Page 0,48

shouldn’t have to be hiding things.”

I squealed as he slapped my ass lightly.

“Come on,” Chase said, “I’d kill for an ice cream. Do you think they sell it inside?”

I glanced at the market and the commotion of people flooding in and out. “Let’s find out.”

Back in California, I had often visited markets simply because I loved the atmosphere. This one was the best I had ever seen. It wasn’t just huge, colorful and bubbly, there was so much to see I didn’t know where to look first. My gaze jumped from the gorgeous flower bouquets, to the homemade food, to the handmade pottery, and everything else.

I stopped a stall that sold shirts for only a few pesos. One read, ‘Be calm and let Acapulco handle it.’

“I should get one for Jude,” I said to Chase, my voice dripping with excitement, then pointed to a range of key rings. “And one of those, too.”

He shrugged, seemingly bored by it all. Yeah, guys and shopping. I laughed, elated at the thought that I was here with him.

“I’ll try to find us some ice cream while you have a look.”

Before he could disappear through the crowd, I called after him. “Chase?”

He turned around, the light reflecting in his eyes in a million facets of blue and gray. “Yeah?”

“Just so we’re clear, this is not a date.”

“I got the memo, and discarded it just as quickly.” He grinned and then he winked.

I laughed.

Oh, my God. He was the devil.

And then he disappeared, leaving me to check out everything. My credit cards were maxed out, but I figured, so what?

You didn’t go to Acapulco and came back with nothing?

Almost giggling with excitement, I bought three shirts: one for Jude, and two for me because they were a bargain. And then I decided that I had to get one for Chase, too.

Flicking through the clothes hangers, I settled on one that read ‘Walking Danger’ which sort of described him down to a T.

It was so perfect for him, I couldn’t wait to show it to him.

I let out a giggle as I paid for it, then grabbed my shopping bags and headed through the crowd in search for Chase.

I found him standing in line in front of a stall. I had almost reached him when someone blocked my way. It was the same guy who had followed me. Maybe he hadn’t followed me per se, but I had spotted him on the street outside. Up close, he didn’t look older than eighteen.

He spoke so fast I couldn’t follow.

I smiled apologetically. “Sorry. No hablo espanol.”

“No hay problema.” He returned the smile, then opened his bag, and my heart stopped as I peered inside at the various bags of weed, pills and other drugs.

Holy shit.

He was a drug dealer.

“No, thank you.” I shook my head, making sure to smile politely. But somehow, he didn’t seem to understand. Instead leaving, he reached inside and retrieved a tiny plastic bag containing a single pill.

“Regalo.” He stretched out his hand.

Oh, god.

I shook my head more resolutely. “No, thank you.”

The guy grabbed my hand and squeezed the bag inside my palm, muttering a few more words in Spanish. I shook my head. Before I could protest, I glimpsed over his shoulder and caught Chase storming for us, his face a mask of anger.

My entire body tensed.

I tried to step back, but it was too late.

Chase shoved him. “Get the fuck away from her.” And then he did the unthinkable: he shoved him again, this time way harder, before I could tell him to stop.

The guy’s friendliness was wiped off his face instantly. I stared helplessly as Chase turned to me, asking, “Are you okay, Laurie? Was he bothering you?”

Before I could react, the guy’s fist connected with Chase’s jaw, the impact so hard I could have sworn I heard bones cracking.

Chase’s body lurched forward, his hands going to his lip as blood started to pour between his fingers and drip down his chin. I rushed forward just as the guy took off through the crowd.

“Oh, god. Chase.” I dropped my bags and began to rummage through my handbag in search for a tissue.

“I know I shouldn’t have interfered,” he muttered and wiped a hand over his mouth.

Horrified, I peered at the red stains on his shirt.

“No, you shouldn’t have. It was plain stupid. You’re lucky the guy didn’t pull out a gun.”

While Chase pressed the tissue against his mouth to stop the bleeding, I quickly scrolled through my contact list to find Copyright 2016 - 2024