Bad Boy (An Indecent Proposal) - J.C. Reed Page 0,33


Chapter 12

The restaurant was situated on top of a hill overlooking the sea. I expected it to be secluded. However, it was overcrowded with people and families. Mexican folklore music was playing in the background, and children were laughing. I turned to Chase questioningly, but he only grinned, as a waiter approached us.

All around us, people were eating, chatting, and having a great time. It was so busy and overcrowded that I was convinced the waiter would tell us they were overbooked, until he led us through a doorway to an open patio. I held my breath, amazed, as we followed him to a table near the railing.

Coming here was a mistake.

The place was beautiful. Too beautiful. Too perfect for something that should have been a day of enlightenment, not romance, happiness, and perfection.

I slid into the seat, unable to pull my eyes away from the stunning scenery. Even though it wasn’t quiet, the place was pure tranquility. It was a place I could imagine myself sitting for hours, drinking coffee and relaxing to the sound of the crashing waves. If only the situation wasn’t so awkward. If only Chase and I were a real couple.

Somewhere a child shrieked, and a thought occurred to me.

“Did you choose a public restaurant so that I wouldn’t make a scene?” I asked. “If so, I can tell you that your fears were unwarranted. I’m not one of those girls who cause tantrums. I have a very good grasp on my emotions.”

“I know that.” He sat opposite from me with an easy smile on his lips. “You’re one of those girls who choose flight over confrontation. Am I right?”

“True.” I nodded as I eyed him warily. “You didn’t answer my question, Chase.”

“No, it’s not the reason we’re here.” He leaned back, watching me in thought. “I’ve been told it’s the best place in town with a stunning view, as you can see.”

“And?” I prompted after a pause.

“And it’s safe and secure.”

“You mean for you,” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“No, I mean for you, Laurie.” Was it my imagination or was there more to it?

I frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I want you to feel safe in my presence, considering you ran away.”

I stared at him.

Safe from Chase?

Confusion washed over me until realization hit me.

He thought I had fled because I was scared.

“That’s not the reason I ran away, Chase,” I said coolly. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“You’re not?” He seemed surprised, as though any other explanation wouldn’t make sense. And then he leaned forward, his eyes taking me in. “I thought you felt scared because you thought I’d hurt you.” I shook my head, meeting his warm glance with a cold stare. “Then why, Laurie?”

“I…” I flicked my tongue over my lips, unsure how to say it.

Was I scared that I’d get hurt? Probably.

But not in a physical sense.

I was scared of having my heart broken more than he had already broken it. Of never being able to pick up the pieces he left behind. Of hoping for something that would never be there—his love, his devotion.

“Because of what you discovered?” he insisted.

“Yes. That’s probably one of the reasons.” I stared at my hands fiddling on the table, and his hand, so close to my fingers, beckoning to me to grab it. “The other one is…”

I thought you were really into me.

I thought what we had was real.

“You really fucking hurt me,” I said instead, speaking out the truth before I could stop it.

The words lingered in the air, heavy, real.

He glanced down at his hands, guilt flashing across his face. And suddenly his whole body tensed. “For what it’s worth, I really like you, Laurie. And…” He leaned forward and grabbed my hand, his eyes on me, begging me to understand a message only he knew. “…if things were different, if I didn’t have to do what I’ve done, I would have asked you out.”

If things were different, if I didn’t have to do what I’ve done…

I laughed, his words echoing in my mind.

I eyed his fingers on mine, caressing my skin, and fought the sudden urge to pull back.

“So let me see if I understand,” I whispered. “You married me for my inheritance.”

“Yes,” he said cautiously. “But I also like you.” He let the words linger in the air. “If things were different, I would still want to date you.”

“Why?” I asked, my voice breathless.

“Simply because. Do you need a reason for it?”

My breath hitched as I regarded him. The wind blew my Copyright 2016 - 2024