Bad Boy (An Indecent Proposal) - J.C. Reed Page 0,30

fingers brushed mine, the motion sending a jolt of pleasure through me. “Come on, birdie, we’re late.”

“Late for what?”

“Just go with it.”

“Fine.” I sighed, already hating the fact that I was caving in.


We left the hotel. The sun was still high on the horizon, and it was insanely hot. My damp hair dried in minutes, and a layer of sweat covered my skin. I fought the urge to tie my hair at the back of my nape as I followed Chase to a string of shiny cars.

At first, I didn’t realize what was happening, until a man standing in front of a black Lincoln Stretch Limousine greeted Chase and opened the doors for us.

My jaw dropped.

Oh, my God.

I stopped in mid-stride.

“What now?” Chase turned to face me and gave an exasperated sigh.

“I said I’m giving you a chance to explain.” I gestured at the car and the driver. “I never agreed to a date.”

“I know that.” He grinned. “But why shouldn’t we have some fun in a smooth ride while I get to explain?”

“Fun?” I raised my eyebrows.

I didn’t want fun. I wanted an explanation or at least some form of proof that Chase wasn’t the bad boy I imagined him to be. Another limousine pulled in. The driver threw an anxious glance at Chase, muttering something in Spanish I didn’t understand.

“It’s bulletproof and safe,” Chase said when he caught my expression. “Come on, baby. We’re in the way.”

His hands moved to the small of my back—his fingers warm against the thin material barely covering my skin—and he helped me in. Before I knew it, the doors closed behind us. I was about to ask him to let me out when I turned around to scan our surroundings.

“Oh, my god,” I exclaimed, overwhelmed.


Talk about huge. Talk about awesome.

The limousine was much bigger than I anticipated and completely modern. While I used to travel in luxurious cars when I was a kid, and having a chauffeur wasn’t new to me, I had never been in a limousine. It could easily host a whole party of ten, or twelve, or fifteen.

There was even a mirrored, illuminated bar with crystal decanters and wine glasses, and at the farther end of the cabin there were two mounted LCD TVs. The gray carpet under my feet looked soft, urging me to pull off my shoes and bury my naked feet into the plush fabric. The expensive, cream, leather seats looked comfortable enough to snuggle up with a good book.

Even from where I was half-standing, half-hunched, I could smell the scent of the expensive leather. At the rear end of the cabin more bottles of wine and wine glasses were stacked on a side rack next to an aquarium. I took a seat next to it and peered around.

“You like it?” Chase’s voice said behind me as the limousine began to move.

“It’s okay.” I shrugged, trying not to look too impressed. He had outdone himself—maybe a little too much.

Because he wants something.

“They’re Siamese fighting fish,” Chase said casually, and I realized I had been staring at the fish.

“Beautiful,” I said and sighed.

Above us, the mirror ceiling shimmered in an array of nuances, giving the impression of a starry sky. As if on cue, the color changed from a beautiful emerald green to a royal blue.

“Red or white?” Chase asked and began to busy himself at the bar. His handsome face looked even more gorgeous under the blue light.


“Red it is.” He pulled a bottle of red wine from the minibar and poured two glasses. I realized the bottle had already been opened. Was it my imagination or had Chase known my choice even before I answered, or why else would he have opened the bottle to let it breathe?

“I never agreed to this, you know?” I said casually as he handed me a wine glass and sat down opposite from me, his knee brushing mine in the process.

Of all the places where he could have sat, why did he have to choose the seat next to mine?

“Relax, Laurie. It’s just a ride I booked for the day.”

“For the day?” I stared at him. “Chase.”

He cast me a sideways glance and grinned slyly. “I promise you’ll have fun.”

The fun part again.

My body heated up as images of him touching me flooded my mind.

Was it wrong to want him?

Behind tinted windows and within the confined space.

Under the starry sky, and to the sound of bubbling water.

Actually, why did those things so important that they occupied my mind more Copyright 2016 - 2024