Bad Boy Best Friend - Hope Ford Page 0,9

take me awhile to get a teaching job. There’s only the one elementary school in town and unless I want to drive the forty minutes each way to the next town, I’ll have to find something else to do until they are hiring. “I did put my application in, though.”

Austin nods, listening intently and asks, “Are you going to look in nearby towns? You’re not going to pick another big city and jet out of here again, are you?”

“No, absolutely not. When I say I’m back, I’m really back. This is where I want to be, and I wish I’d figured that out earlier. I’ve wasted so much time.”



Before I even take a moment to consider what I’m about to say, I offer her a job working at my mechanic shop. “Cindy is just out on maternity leave, and I could use the help while you’re waiting for something to open up.”

My offer comes out without any thought, but I’m surprised when I recognize uncertainty in her eyes. “Do you remember how much fun we had working in my father’s shop together in high school? Now, it’s going to be even better since I’m the boss. Just think, I get to tell you what to do.”

She laughs and her eyes light up. I’m sure she’s remembering all the good times we used to have and the pranks we used to play on the mechanics.

She starts chewing on her bottom lip. It’s a nervous habit that she’s always had. It was once endearing, but now it is a complete turn-on. I find myself imagining kissing her, licking and sucking on that bottom lip she’s punishing.

I drag my eyes away from her mouth when she interrupts my thoughts. “… are you sure it won’t be a conflict of interest? What if my working there turns out to be a problem? I can’t put you in that position.”

Already shaking my head, I tell her, “That’s impossible. You’re not only a hard worker but you’ve always been a damn good influence on me. If you don’t come work for me, you know you’re leaving me hanging, right?”

She captures me in her green-eyed gaze with a sexy smile on her face. “You always were good with the guilt trips, weren’t you? Okay, yes, if you’re sure.”

“Then you’re hired.”

I finally take a bite of the food sitting in front of me. It seems now that I know everything is working out, I can eat again.

We talk about the shop a little bit and she talks about moving back in with her parents. I can tell she doesn’t like the idea and it’s on the very tip of my tongue to offer my spare bedroom to her, but I stop myself. In the past, it would have been nothing. But now, I don’t know. There’s something shifting between us and I don’t want to screw up anything. And moving in together when I haven’t even taken the time to analyze all these thoughts popping in my head, well, she means too much to me for me to chance it.

She changes the subject and asks me about Blair. I shake my head, and just by looking at the smirk on her face, she already knows what I’m thinking.

Uncomfortable with the change in topic, I fidget in my seat. I used to talk about women all the time with Laney. Now, for some reason, it just doesn’t seem right. “Blair is, uh, well we’ve went out a few times, but already she’s getting too…”

“Clingy.” Laney interrupts.

I laugh, rubbing the scruff on my jaw. She knows me too well. “You noticed that?”

“Yeah, she seems to be a little jealous. She probably wouldn’t have been so bad if you had told her I was a woman from the beginning.” She raises her hand to stop me. “And I know, you don’t even have to say it. You weren’t trying to hide me or anything. I mean, I know you’ve thought of me as one of the guys most of our lives, but another woman isn’t going to understand our friendship.”

I want to tell her that none of my thoughts since last night have been about her being like one of the guys or even what best friend thoughts should be. No, my thoughts have been more about how she fills out a pair of jeans, what her lips will taste like and if I do manage to kiss her, am I going to ruin everything?

I swipe my hand across my face, Copyright 2016 - 2024