Bad Boy Best Friend - Hope Ford Page 0,14

school when it comes to men hitting on her. “If customers flirt with you and harass you, please don’t feel like you have to put up with that for me. I don’t expect you to take anything off of anybody.”

She looks confused for a second and then says, “Okay,” dragging the word out like she doesn’t know what I’m talking about. “I’ll remember that. Don’t worry, everyone has been really nice.”

“Mm-hmm,” I grunt. I could say so much more, but I’m not going to. Like Hey you need to stay away from Shawn or I’m going to fuck him up. That’s what I want to say. But instead, I grunt. “Well, I’m glad. Mike is on his way up here to take over at the desk, and I’ll tell you the truth, I need to get a breath of air out of here.”

She shrugs her shoulders and starts getting her stuff together. “Well, all right, if you insist on turning down my help.”

“No, I never said that. In fact, I was hoping you’d come with me. We could take the bike.”

Her eyes light up and she chews on her lip, showing that she’s nervous and excited about the prospect.

I put my open palm over my chest. “I’ll behave myself. No wheelies, I promise.”

She laughs, pushing the deposit bag against my chest. “That’s what you said when I let you talk me into standing on the back of that BMX bike you got in ninth grade.”

The memories then start tumbling back, and I seize her hand with mine. “I’ve grown so much since then. Remember how responsible I was on the ATVs in eleventh grade?”

That heated charge rushes through me again, but this time I’m surprised to find that it’s reassuring to me when I find it’s still there between us.

As soon as she’s ready, I stick by her side the whole way to my bike. I’ve already pushed it back outside and I’m parked right next to her car.

I grab the helmet and put it over her head, strapping it on and avoiding looking into her eyes. As soon as I’m settled, she jumps on the back, and in the beginning, it feels like old times. Her dad at one time forbade her from riding my motorcycles with me. But eventually he gave in and as soon as that happened, I started acting right on a motorcycle, all responsible and shit, and she started going everywhere with me.

We make the deposit to the bank and then I take her on a ride through the town and up the mountain. I actually didn’t intend on making the ride as long as it is, but it’s too much fun hearing her squeal with excitement when I rev the engine or speed up. Her arms wrapped around me feel so good, like I’ve been missing them for my whole life. Her breasts are pressed tight against my back whenever I make a turn, and fuck, that’s making me hard as a fuckin’ rock.

It’s why I have to readjust her hands toward my chest when they begin to slide lower. I definitely don’t want her to find out that I’m attracted to her by her hand accidentally grazing against my hard cock. But man, I’m hard.

I speed up a little and her arms tighten around me. She’s pressed all against my back and when I take a turn, I put my hand on her thigh, gripping on to her. I know I’m not holding her on, but there’s some comfort of having my hands on her. We ride, just like that. Her arms around my torso, and my hand on her thigh all the way back to the shop. And the whole way there, I keep telling myself, Don’t fuck this up, Austin. She’s one of the best things you have in your life. Don’t fuck with your best friend.

And I almost have myself convinced until I drop her off at her car at the shop and she can’t stop smiling at me. That smile gives me a jolt right to my heart.



I was almost late for my second day on the job. I could barely sleep last night thinking about the bike ride with Austin. His souped-up Harley was something else, but the feel of his hard body against me brought thoughts to mind that I’ve spent years trying to repress. There are all kinds of things going through my head, but I don’t let any of them fully form. I refuse to Copyright 2016 - 2024