Bad to Be Worthy (Bad to Be Good #2) - Andrew Grey Page 0,8

vehicle you have. I have an idea that what went down hasn’t gone unnoticed, and it’s likely our friend will try to get his revenge.”

“But where do we go? It’s dark, and Cheryl has a son. I can’t leave her and Joshie.” They helped each other, and Tucker felt bad enough that he had brought trouble to their doorstep. He wasn’t going to leave them to fend for themselves. Life out here was hard enough, but going it alone was even worse.

Gerome blew the air out of his mouth and then angled his gaze skyward as though the stars would provide the answer. Tucker had looked up and wished on them enough to know that they weren’t going to help anyone. “Go ahead and get packed if you can.” He turned away and pulled out his phone, walking through the camp and out toward the road as he talked.

“Do you think this guy is on the level?” Cheryl asked as soon as Gerome was gone. “He’s bigger than the other one, and he tossed that guy around like he was nothing.” Her eyebrows knitted together. “I don’t know if we can trust him.”

Tucker watched Gerome in the light of the streetlamp. “I have no idea what he wants or if he can help at all. Maybe we should just pack up and get out of here. We can probably find a turnoff somewhere and sleep in the car for the rest of the night. Then we can move on.” His gaze barely left Gerome, especially once he’d hung up and strode back.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, but okay. I have a friend. He and his husband moved in together, and they’re waiting out the lease on their place. It has about six weeks left, and they’re not living there. Go ahead and finish packing, and we’ll get you out of here. The three of you can stay there for a few days.” He sighed and rolled his eyes, the streetlight glistening in them. “But don’t think of trying to pull anything.”

“Us?” Tucker hissed in a whisper. “You’re the one who’s as big as a house.”

Gerome nodded. “Just remember that. I’m also the one who saved your skin.” He leaned closer. “And to answer your next question, I don’t want anything from any of you other than not to cause trouble and to be on your best behavior. Nothing.”

“Then why?” Tucker asked.

Gerome groaned softly. “Because I’m fucking Robin Hood. Just get packed, and fast, and don’t make me regret doing this. Okay?”

Tucker found himself nodding and wondering if there wasn’t more to it than that. But he didn’t really have much choice, and Gerome was offering an apartment for them to stay in, even if for just a few days. That meant a real bathroom and shower and a chance to do real laundry rather than rinsing things out in a sink. He turned to Cheryl for her answer, and she nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

He wanted to say more but remained quiet. This was almost too good to be true, and that made him suspicious, but what the hell was he going to do? They were getting desperate, and the nights were growing cold, some close to freezing. “Go ahead and pack up. I’ll do the same.”

Cheryl went back to her tent and began hauling things out before sliding two tubs in the back of the old SUV. Then Cheryl carried out Joshie and laid him on the back seat before taking down her tent. Tucker put his things in the back as well and got his tent down and rolled up in a few minutes, along with his bedding. The area that had been home for the past month barely held any impression that they had been there at all.

Cheryl got into the car and started the engine, which roared to life. Gerome got in the front, and Tucker slid in next to Joshie, taking him in his arms as they slowly pulled off the dirt road and out toward the main street. They got maybe a few blocks before lights appeared down the street, flashing brighter as they grew closer before passing them and turning toward the camp.

“Make a right at the next street,” Gerome instructed, and they traveled two blocks down. “Okay, turn here and park right there.” Gerome pointed, and Cheryl pulled into the empty space. “This is parking for the unit you’re using, so you don’t have to worry about moving. I’ll open up the unit Copyright 2016 - 2024