Bad to Be Worthy (Bad to Be Good #2) - Andrew Grey Page 0,51

“Any other ideas?”

Richard shrugged. “So, what’s the plan?”

“He’s going to find the boat we saw last night.” Gerome explained the evening’s activities. “I asked that he verify that the boat was being used and then sink it and everything on it. Same with Bobby Ramone’s boat. Take them to the bottom, deny them resources, send a message to go away. Then call the police and tip them off.” Gerome smiled. “They’ll investigate suspicious fires, so if they find something illegal, then the heat is on.”

“Just like the old days,” Richard quipped as the front door opened to a pair of older ladies. He excused himself and left the store so Gerome could help the customers. At least it gave him something to do.

GEROME CLOSED the store, tuning the sound system to a local radio station for something other than the easy-listening Muzak that rang through his head all day long. His phone rang, and he snatched it off the counter, placing it under his chin as he counted the money.

“Gerome….” Terrance sounded pleased. “The boat you told me about was loaded. The assholes were lazy enough that they hadn’t moved the product off yet. I found them still in bed, high as kites.”

“What did you do?” Gerome asked.

“Set the fire near the engine and then jumped off the boat as it went up, yelling and calling out to rouse them. The two of them stumbled off the boat, coughing. Then the fuel caught fire and the damned boat exploded, taking all the product right along with it. I melted into the crowd and then disappeared before the police got there.”

“What are they going to find?” Gerome asked, pleased as hell.

“No doubt what these guys were up to. I can guarantee that with coke packs floating in the water, this is going to be a shit show for them.” Terrance was almost gleeful. “I’ll talk to you in a little while. I have one more job to do.” He hung up, and Gerome put the phone in his pocket. Things were working out well, at least so far. Gerome finished up his tasks, locked the store, and took the deposit to the bank before heading over to the Driftwood to relay the information he had to Richard. He figured he could have a drink and wait for Terrance to call again.

Gerome sat at the bar, watching the people there. Richard was bartending and kept the beer coming. Not that Gerome was drinking a lot. He was too nervous. It had been two hours since he’d heard from Terrance, and he was getting concerned.

“He can take care of himself,” Richard said as he passed, setting a BLT with fries in front of him.

“I know. But I’m still worried. What if something happened and he was caught or worse…?” Gerome tried not to be a mother hen, but he worried about his friend. He had expected Terrance to contact him an hour ago. Not that he was going to be able to go out looking for him. That might draw more attention. So he ate his dinner and half watched the door.

Gerome had finished eating and had downed his fourth beer when Terrance finally slunk into the restaurant, taking the seat next to him. “What happened to you?” Terrance looked like he’d been rolled in dirt and all of it had stuck.

“Mission accomplished” was all he said. “Now, please get me a beer.” His right hand shook a little, and Gerome leaned closer.

“Mr. Gerome!” Gerome turned as Tucker and Joshie hurried inside, with Joshie running up to his stool. Gerome helped him onto the one next to him.

“Where did you come from?” Gerome asked.

“We should get a table so Richard and Alan don’t lose their license,” Tucker said, and they shifted to one of the empty tables.

Joshie climbed into the chair next to Terrance and scrunched his nose. “He smells funny,” Joshie stage-whispered.

“It’s not nice to say things like that,” Tucker told Joshie. “He was working really hard today and got dirty. Sometimes you don’t smell so nice, like when you played in those puddles a while ago.” Tucker grinned. “He smelled like a fish cannery.”

“I know. I got yucky, and I have to shower when I get home. But I’m really hungry.” Terrance seemed to take it in stride, which was good. Though Gerome was more than curious about what actually happened, he was going to have to wait until they were alone.

“Me too,” Joshie said. “Want french fries and fishies, please.” Copyright 2016 - 2024