Bad, Bad Bluebloods(Rich Boys of Burberry Prep #2) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,110

clenching as he looks away. “I … did that with Creed, and …”

“I already told you, we can’t be together. I don’t fucking deserve you, Marnye. It was wrong of me to react like that. I know there’s no future for us.” My heart drops, and I want to scream. There could be a future for us, you idiot! Fight for me. But at the same time, I feel like a cheater who doesn’t deserve Zack. I feel like my mom.

“I cheated on you,” I choke, and he spins to face me with his eyes wide.

“Cheated? You can’t cheat on someone you’re not with.” He stares at me with so much longing that my heart begins to pound, and I feel like I might pass out. Things only get worse when the Idol boys stroll into the room and spot us there in the corner.

Tristan’s nostrils flare at the sight of Zack, Creed immediately makes his way over to me, and Zayd gives a cute, little wave.

Crap. Crap, crap, crap.

I shoot up from my chair, heart pounding, as Creed puts an arm on either side of me and pins me to the wall.

“Avoiding me won’t do you any good,” he says, and I think I forget my own name for a minute there.

“I wasn’t avoiding you,” I whisper, wondering how much he’s told Tristan and Zayd. The other two look a bit confused, to be honest. “I just … I have a lot going on, okay?” Creed narrows his eyes on me and then glances at Zack like he’s garbage.

“Why don’t you get lost, so Marnye and I can talk?”

“Marnye, and I were talking, so how about you fuck all the way off?” Zack snarls. Tristan pretends like he doesn’t give a shit and heads straight for the Idols’ table. He is engaged, after all, and I make a mental note to push harder with him. April is already coming to a close, and what have I accomplished this month besides … spending time in a hot tub with Creed.

Putting my palm on Creed’s chest, I push him back a step and move away from the two guys. Zayd watches me carefully, tucking his inked fingers in his front pockets. He’s clearly interested in whatever’s happening between us.

“What the hell is going on?” he asks as Creed and Zack look at each other like they might come to blows. As if my day isn’t shitty enough, Windsor chooses that moment to walk in. He makes his way right over, grabs me by the arm, and levels one of those fantastic grins of his at the other boys.

“Do you mind if I borrow Marnye here for a moment? Mentoring duties and all that.” He drags me away, and I breathe a sigh of relief as soon as I get out of the room, bending over and putting my palms on my knees for support. Windsor rubs my back in gentle swirling motions. “There, there. I know what it’s like to juggle several girlfriends at once. I recognize the panic on your face.”

“Do not compare me to you,” I whisper, forcing myself to stand up. “I do not have multiple boyfriends. I’m just … juggling my own interests against … other things.” Windsor stares at me for a long moment, hazel eyes mischievous.

“Other things?” he asks coyly, and I can just feel the truth resting on the back of my tongue. What it is about him that makes me want to spill the beans, I’m not sure. It’s infuriating, to be quite honest. “You mean like this mysterious bit of revenge you won’t talk about?”

“Look, I …” I look at Windsor, and I just feel so full of emotion, I want to choke. “I need to get the Idols to go to the graduation getaway with me.” That’s all I have to say, and then it clicks in his mind. I can see the second that it happens. “They bet they could make me fall in love, so …” It sounds pretty freaking lame coming out of my mouth right then.

“I see,” Windsor drawls, tapping at his chin, like all the pieces are falling together. “You’re throwing yourself at those idiots to win a bet?” I nod, and I feel ashamed. I don’t feel like a badass, revenge seeking missile anymore. I feel like Marnye Reed, a girl who’s gotten herself in over her head. I actually like Zack. And I like Creed. I like Zayd, too. And Tristan. They’ve been trying Copyright 2016 - 2024