The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,94

don’t know. I’m not just saying it…I don’t think I’m good at many things.”

“Abigail!” He’s starting to sound exasperated.

“Makeup. I like makeup.”

He blinks at me, like I’m just confirming all the bimbo stereotypes he already thought about me.

“It’s a huge industry,” I say, not quite able to look at him while I reveal to him, the first person I’ve told, this half-baked plan I have in my head. “And it’s becoming more and more accessible. I could do people’s makeup, post images online, and try to grow the business that way.”

“So you’d be a makeup artist?”

I’m surprised he knows what that is. “Yeah. I feel like I’m good at it. I could start a blog or an online channel, and maybe after I’m a little bit more experienced, I could try to become a personal makeup artist to a celebrity or something. You know, really raise my profile.”

He nods at that, like it’s not a completely ludicrous thing to say.

“I wouldn’t mind living in LA for a while,” I say, warming up to the idea. “I’ve always loved it in when I’ve visited and that’s where all the stars are, and they have people doing their makeup all day long. Makeup artists out there actually make a tonne of money.” I shrug. “All my friends will be away at college anyway, so I have no reason to stay here.”

He doesn’t say anything.

“I know I sound crazy.”

“I don’t think you sound crazy at all.”

My eyes find his. “I don’t?”



“I think if anyone can make that work, it’s you.”

I shift in my seat as his words wash over me. Him saying that makes me believe it’s possible. When did his opinion become so important to me?

“Good.” I grin. “Because that’s just the start of my plans. Eventually, after I have enough money saved, I want to launch my own makeup line.”

He grins right back at me. “Of course you do.”

“It’s not as crazy as it sounds. It’s a billion-dollar industry, and I want a piece of it.”

“I believe it.”

“And I wouldn’t be messing around,” I tell him eagerly. “I’d take it really seriously, build an audience, create the brand myself.”

“I don’t doubt it. You’re the best businesswoman I know.”

“I am?”

He chuckles. “Yes. Did you see how much your bake sales made? Who else in school would have the audacity to charge that much and then completely stand her ground so that everyone else buys into it too?”

I blink at him. I did do that. I hadn’t ever thought about it like that before. I also pushed Chase to charge more for entry to his auction.

I feel a wide smile spreading across my face.

Maybe I am good at something after all.

He winks at me. “Didn’t that girl from that reality show make a billion dollars from her makeup line? Who says you can’t do that?”

My heart feels like it’s going to explode with him having this much faith in me, like it’s completely normal that one day I’ll be rich from my efforts and I won’t need anyone else to do it for me.

“The sky’s the limit I guess.”

He shakes his head. “No ‘I guess’ about it. If you put your mind to something, Abigail Baker, you’ll do it,” he tells me with absolute certainty. “That’s why I know for sure that you’re going to pass your tests and graduate with us.”

“You really believe that?”

He nods. “I’d bet my savings on it.”

I blink rapidly to stop tears flooding my eyes at his words, because I know how much his savings mean to him, how careful he is with his money. I have never, ever had someone have so much faith in me before, not even my sister.

He cocks his head to the side. “C’mon.”

I stand without thinking, feeling like I’d follow him anywhere right now, and watch as he goes to the trunk of his car. He pulls out a couple of towels before coming back over to me and leading me down a beaten path until we come to a tiny beach cove that’s completely deserted.

I look around in surprise. I’m used to being by the beach, but I hardly ever see it empty, and with the sun beating down on us, I feel like we’re on our own private stretch of sand right now.

He drops the towels onto the ground, and I’m expecting him to flop down on them, but instead he reaches for the hem of his t-shirt and pulls it over his head.

I’m so surprised I don’t know what Copyright 2016 - 2024