The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,81

I think about Sasha. “Well, don’t get your hopes up with Sasha, because if Brett gets his way then it’ll be me you’re stuck taking.”

Aaron screws his face up in confusion.

“Brett has a thing for Sasha and she thinks he’s cute, so if he builds up the guts to ask her, maybe he’ll take her and they’ll be love’s young dream together.” A look passes over Aaron’s face that tells me he’s not entirely happy with that idea. “Whatever. I don’t even want to think about that yet. The only thing I’m going to be focusing on from now on is my tests and my grades.”

“Good plan.”

“What’s a good plan?” Jackson has appeared next to us with Brendon and Jennifer.

“Focusing on my grades and not thinking about prom,” I tell him.

“Ooh, prom!” Jennifer’s face lights up at the very word, and she sinks down next to Aaron and starts immediately telling them all about how excited she is.

I tune her out as everyone around me starts talking about an event I’m almost certainly not going to, my eyes scanning the students who are making their way toward the front entrance, more and more people streaming forward now that the bell is about to ring for the start of homeroom.

I’m almost ready to give up when I see him walking along with Jason, laughing at something he says.

I stand up immediately, saying a hasty goodbye to Chase and everyone else, and I dart through the crowd to meet him just as the first bell rings.

“Hey.” I stop right in front of him and Jason. “Can I talk to you?”

Jason looks from me to Brett before waving a hand in goodbye and continuing on into school.

Brett smiles at me warmly. “Hey, how are you?”

I clear my throat. “I’m good, good.”

“Still full from last night?” he asks. “I had a second helping of apple pie after you left.”

I try to smile at that, him being so normal with me, but I can’t.

“Um…I just wanted to clarify something I said last night,” I tell him, not really looking at him directly, my eyes kind of hovering over his left shoulder. “About what we were talking about.”


“So when I was talking about those military reunion videos and how nice they are and that one with the high school girl? I feel like I was maybe being weird and acting like it was something special.” I lick my lips, my mouth suddenly feeling very dry. “Like, the video is awesome and everything, but there’s nothing unusual about a kid and her dad loving each other that much.”

He doesn’t say anything.

“And I feel like I just made it weird and maybe you misinterpreted it.”

He still doesn’t say anything.

“So yeah, I just wanted to clear that up.”


“My dad is really cool and I miss him when he’s gone.” I force a chuckle. “In fact, he’s been working in New York for the last couple of months and I’ve really missed him, but he’s back in a couple of days and we’ll probably re-enact the video.”

He raises an eyebrow.

“Seriously, everything’s cool.”


“Well, that’s all I wanted to say.” I pause for a second, uncertain about what to do next, but then the second bell rings, telling us we’re late and letting me off the hook for having to make further conversation. I turn and enter the school doors probably quicker than I ever have before.


“Serious question now.” Sophie appears next to me as I walk down the hallway a couple of days later. “Does this lipstick look good on me?”

I eye her lips, a sort of pale pink which is barely noticeable. “It does if you’re going for the natural look.”

She pulls a mirror out of her bag and exams her lips. “Is it too pale though?”

“Well, you’re tanned so usually warm colors would work better on you.”

She pauses in thought. “You’re right. I asked Livy what she thought and she didn’t even notice I was wearing any.”

I snigger. That sounds about right. Livy barely wears any makeup and wouldn’t have a clue about makeup tones to suit individual skin color.

“I need to wipe this off.” Before I even know what she’s doing I’m side checked in the direction of the female bathroom and she’s herding me toward the mirrors above the sink. I guess she wants company when sorting out her makeup.

I watch as she grabs some makeup wipes out of her bag (a girl after my own heart) and then wipes away her lipstick, before rooting around in Copyright 2016 - 2024