The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,66

Not that I would see her much anyway—we’re not friends—but if ever I see her in the hallway, I turn the other way and try to avoid her. She doesn’t need to see me and have to deal with me. I still can’t believe I called her out like that just to try to make her feel small, like that would make me feel big. I apologized and she accepted it, but I don’t blame her for hating me now. I’d hate me too. “Brett probably didn’t even tell you it was me he wanted you to help.” I know that’s the truth because there’s no way she could actually want to help me.

“He did,” she said quietly.

Well then she must be here to gloat about the fact that I’m about to flunk out of high school, because why would she want to help someone who made public something so private and that she was obviously struggling to come to terms with.

I can still remember the look on her face when I said she followed Sophie around…the horror, the embarrassment, the mortification.

I honestly hate myself for it.

I close my textbook and sit up. “I’m gonna go. We can just tell Brett something came up.”

She reaches out a hand to my forearm, stopping me from moving. She drops it quickly, like I’m on fire, before taking a deep breath. “Abigail, it’s fine. I want to help you.”

I shake my head. “You really don’t have to.”

“I know, but…”

My eyes find hers as she struggles to finish her sentence.

“…after you said what you said…”

“I’m really sorry, Hallie. I was so out of line.”

“You were, but you already said sorry, and I accepted it. You don’t have to keep feeling bad.”

“I was such a bitch.”

She looks down. “Looking back on it now, I can see you were going through a rough time.” She hesitates. “I spoke to Livy and I’ve been watching you lately, and I know you’re not that person, at least not anymore.”

She finally looks up at me.

“I can see you’re really trying, Abigail. You’re way nicer to people than you used to be.” My heart skips slightly at that. I am trying to be nicer to people, trying to distance myself from who I used to be, and the fact that she’s noticed means a lot. “And I think all this money you’re raising for charity is awesome.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, and honestly I think you’re the only girl in school who has enough sway to be able to do it. No one else would be able to get everyone so buzzed about expensive brownies that sell out immediately or be able to get everyone to show up at Chase’s party and hand over so much money for charity.” Well, that was more Chase than me, but we did end up raising a fortune that night between the money at the door, the auction sales, the extra contributions that kept getting passed around, and mine and Chase’s Venmo accounts, which he kept telling people to transfer money to. “Seriously, I think it’s great that you’re using your power for good.”

Using my power for good.

I never thought about it like that before.

“And I think not graduating is too big a punishment for something you said to me months ago, when you were obviously struggling, which you’ve already apologized for.”

“I really am sorry.”

“I know, and I know you try to avoid me now.” A smile crosses her face. “I see you trying to avoid me and give me space or whatever, and honestly it just makes things more awkward.”

I can’t help but smile at that. Subtlety was never my strong suit.

“And…” She clears her throat. “You saying that made me face up to a few things. I told my mom, and it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. She was kinda surprised…” I raise an eyebrow, and Hallie barks out a laugh. “I know, right? But she told me she still loves me and we’ll tell my dad together when I’m ready.”

I stare back at her, this girl who is too nice and too kind to even be giving me her time. “I’m really glad things worked out for you.”

She grins. “So am I.”

“I’m being serious, though—I don’t expect you to tutor me just because Brett is busy. I’m sure you’ve got a million other things you would rather be doing.”

“I want to help, Abigail.”

“I know I was a really shitty person to you, Hallie.”

She smiles at me, reaching for my textbook and flipping Copyright 2016 - 2024