The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,61

repeat and what flips and jumps we should be doing, before telling me about a new routine she’s choregraphed that she’s really excited about. All I had to do was tell everyone what we were doing, run the practice of our old routines, and then let Sasha teach the new one.

It was all pretty easy, to be honest, and now I’m collapsed on the floor, desperate for a shower but too tired to move as everyone grabs their stuff and starts heading out to the locker room.

“I think that went okay.” Sasha flops down next to me.

“Your routine is awesome.”

“You don’t think the dance club will be pissed?”

I snigger—they definitely will be. We’re using the current biggest hits in the country and dancing better than they can, plus adding flips and jumps and pyramids into it too. We’ll definitely show them up, but I couldn’t care less. “Who cares? Let them be pissed.”

She grins back at me.

“Besides, we’re all leaving, so they won’t be pissed for long.”

She laughs at that. “Don’t you think that’s a thing? People not being pissed anymore. Like when we were younger, cliques and different groups seemed so important, but now everyone just seems to mix and get along with everyone? I think that’s pretty cool.”

I’m not sure that’s true of everyone, probably not me, to be honest, but Sasha’s always been really nice, and I’m glad some people aren’t as weird as me about actually branching out and talking to new people. It’s definitely an issue I have to work on.

A pair of tanned legs appear in front of us, and I look up to see Sophie standing there, Jennifer a couple of steps behind her. “Let’s go to Ferguson’s—I’m starving.”

I raise an eyebrow. I’m pretty sure Sophie’s never requested to spend extra time with me before.

“Yes! I’m starving,” Sasha agrees, standing up. She looks back at me. “You coming? I could eat four orders of chili fries right now.”

I hesitate. I really shouldn’t be eating that food and I still need to study, at least for a little bit tonight. “I can’t. I’m still on my diet.”

Sophie snorts. “You just burned about a million calories, so I’m pretty sure you’ve earned the right to eat anything you want. Besides, I’m offering to be seen with you in public—it might never happen again.”

She jumps out of the way before I can push her over.

The chili fries are the best thing I’ve eaten after months of depriving myself of them. I even treat myself to a regular soda (none of that sugar-free crap) because I definitely burned off enough calories in that practice to deserve this.

I’m just contemplating ordering a slice of apple pie when my phone beeps.

Dan: Hey, what you up to? My practice got canceled.

Me: Just at Ferguson’s.

Dan: How long will you be?

I don’t bother to reply to that. I’m really not that bothered about hanging out with Dan anymore. We just don’t really have a lot to say to each other. He’s hot and all, but that’s all there is, and I must be growing up because I’ve realized that isn’t actually that important in the grand scheme of things.

“Do you have your prom dress?” Jennifer asks Sophie across from me.

“Yeah, I got it a couple of weeks ago.”

I shift in my seat. I don’t want to be here if they’re talking about prom. There’s not a chance I’m going if I’m not going to graduate, and the date Ms. Sallinson has set for my tests is only a couple of days before. I’ll have to wait until then to know if I’m going to graduate or not.

“I think we should go old school and get a limo,” Jennifer is saying. “I know a bunch of people get dropped off in luxury cars now, but I don’t care about that. I’d rather just be with everyone while we can.”

“You sound like me.” Sophie laughs. “I’m getting all nostalgic too.” Jennifer and Sasha laugh before Sophie turns to me. “What do you think?”

I shrug. “I don’t know yet.”

She looks confused.

“I’m not going unless I pass. I’m not gonna go to prom knowing you guys are going to go on to graduate without me.”

“Pffft.” Sophie doesn’t even bat an eyelid at what I’m saying. “Of course you’re going to pass. You’re Abigail Baker—everything will work out fine.”

I wish I could be as certain as Sophie.

“Hey guys.” I look up as Jessie slides into the seat beside her. I didn’t even see him walk in.

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