The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,55

everyone else obviously got the memo to show up at the same time, if not earlier.

I skip the line, dropping my money for the cover fee into Jackson’s hands, and enter the house with barely a nod in anyone’s direction, but when I walk through the hallway, I pull up short.

This is not one of Chase’s standard parties.

He’s definitely gone all out.

Fairy lights have been strung up in the main hallway, making it feel like it’s a special runway, and then, taking a right into the huge open plan living room, a microphone and some sort of platform he’s gotten from somewhere are set up at the far end. Around the room, huge posters have been tacked up on the walls with the various prizes that are available for the auction.

I stare in amazement as groups of students work their way around the posters, taking in what’s available: a date with Brendon, a date with Jenna, a makeover by me, a day to use one of Aaron’s dad’s cars, a weekend to use Chase’s family home at the beach, a free lunch at Livy’s mom’s bakery every day for a month, the chance to be trained by Jennifer…the list goes on and on. There’s stuff there I didn’t even know about, and I can’t believe he’s managed to put all this together.

I scan the room to try to find him, but he’s not in here, so I turn around and head to his kitchen. I immediately see Aaron handing out drinks while Sasha and Jennifer help him, and I’m momentarily stunned into no longer looking for Chase because I see actual waiters in black aprons carrying around trays of food to hand out to people.

What the actual hell?!

“Do you like it?”

I whirl to see Chase standing behind me looking pretty smug.

He laughs at the look on my face. “I take it that means you do?”

“I had no idea you were going to go this big.”

He shrugs. “I figured if we’re going to be charging people, we have to make sure it’s good. The waiters were Rosie’s idea. She said it would make everyone feel like they were in a real venue and would bid more.”

“Rosie your sister?” The sister who definitely doesn’t like me.

“The very same. She had somewhere she had to be tonight or she’d be here, but she told me to tell you hi and say good luck.”

“She did?” I can’t keep the hint of amazement out of my voice.

He laughs. “Yes!”

“But your sister doesn’t like me.”

He chuckles. “My sister didn’t like us as a couple, but she’s very much aware that I was part of the problem. She has nothing against you personally.”


“Yes, really! Now come on, tell me the truth—what do you think?”

My eyes fall back to the room, people mingling and chatting, a group of girls in the corner looking around nervously as music plays in the background while Aaron flirts with a girl who’s taking a drink from a tray. There’s a definite air of excitement in the room.

“I think it’s amazing.” That’s an understatement. “Can I do anything to help?”

“No. Everything’s taken care of.”

“It is? I’m so sorry. I would have been here earlier, but your text said nine.”

“I know.” He winks at me. “Figured you’d be better off spending the day studying rather than getting this place ready.”

I blink at him.

He purposely told me the wrong time? So I could study all day?

“What time did you start setting up?”

“Aaron and those guys showed up at around four I think.”

Four PM? Five hours ago they showed up here to help Chase and start to get ready for tonight?

I might cry right here and now thinking about people putting in so much effort for me.

“Can I…” My voice is kind of wobbly, and Chase has a knowing smirk on his face. He knows just how much this means to me. “Can I hug you? Please?”

He laughs out loud and swoops me up into a big hug, crushing me to him. “I told you—you are graduating with me, Baker. It’s definitely not going to be the charity side that holds you back.”

No, more likely the academic side the way I’m going, but I push that thought from my mind. Now is not the time to think about that. Now is the time to be grateful to Chase and think about the point of tonight and everything it means.

“How much do I owe you?” I ask, grabbing my phone so I can transfer the money to Copyright 2016 - 2024