The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,50

going to let you take all the credit for this, did you?”

I blink and realize she’s letting me off the hook. She’s not going to make me address yesterday, and she’s letting me act like nothing happened.

“Hey.” I turn to see Chase and Aaron approaching. They’re here way earlier than I’ve ever seen them before, and their eyes are already fixed on the food on the tables. “This looks amazing.”

“I want it all,” Aaron declares, practically drooling.

I hold out my car keys, which are still in my hand. “There’s more in my car. Can you go grab the rest?”

They immediately agree and take off in the direction of my vehicle, and I turn back to the group in front of me.

Sophie, Sasha, and Jennifer are laughing about something, but Livy still looks a little uncomfortable. I’m not surprised. I’ve only ever been a dick to her, and she’s never deserved it. Even yesterday, when she opened up about her dad to me, I still managed to turn it around and be a jerk.

Sophie might be willing to let my behavior yesterday slide, but I don’t deserve to be let off the hook, especially not by Livy.

I clear my throat, and they all look up.

“Um…could I speak to you two?” I ask Sophie and Livy, nodding away from the tables toward a spot where I can speak to them without being overheard.

Sasha and Jennifer send me curious looks as Livy and Sophie walk over to join me.

They don’t say anything as they watch me expectantly.

I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry about yesterday,” I tell Livy directly. “You’ve been really nice to me, offering to help me with this and letting me use your bakery, and I didn’t mean to go off on you. You didn’t deserve it, and I’m really sorry.”

Livy blinks in surprise; clearly she wasn’t expecting that. After a minute… “That’s okay. We all snap sometimes.”

Snap. That’s a nice way of putting it.

“And I’m sorry to you, Sophie. I know I put you in an awkward position going off on your best friend, and I really appreciate you staying so we could finish up.” I hold out the drinks that’ve been in my hands this whole time. “I brought you both coffee. I know it doesn’t make up for how much you’ve helped me, but I want you to know I really do appreciate the help and I’m really grateful—and for you bringing the napkins and takeout boxes and the forks for the cheesecake. I didn’t even think about that. I really appreciate it.”

Livy smiles, such a sweet, genuine expression that I can tell exactly why Chase fell so hard for her. “Thanks, Abigail. That’s great.” I hand her coffee over and watch as she takes a sip. “Oh my god, this is great.”

“Salted cream cold brew with sugar-free caramel. It’s a game changer.”

She nods as she takes another sip.

I hesitate. “Please don’t tell anyone that stuff I told you about my dad.” My gaze darts between them.

Livy’s face softens. “I wouldn’t tell anyone that, Abigail. I promise.”

Sophie nods. “You know we won’t.”

I guess I do know that. If I’ve learned nothing else over the last couple of weeks, it’s that Livy and Sophie are good people, but the thought of my private, personal business becoming public knowledge still fills me with dread.

I hand Sophie’s coffee over to her, and she takes a sip of it herself. She nods in approval. “This is good.”


A cunning look comes into her eyes. “You know, this does make up for me stopping Jessie from staying yesterday…”

I narrow my eyes at her. I know Sophie well enough to know something else is coming.

“…but I don’t think it makes up for me giving up hours of my Sunday to help you bake.”

“Soph,” Livy hisses, shoving her in her side.

I cross my arms. “What do you want?”

“Your Chanel handbag for the next month.”

My jaw drops. “That’s my favorite!”

She shrugs. “For a reason.”

I can’t help the small smile forming on my lips. “Well played.”

She grins in triumph.

I roll my eyes but smile back regardless.

“Um, guys?” Sasha calls from the tables. I look over to see that Chase and Aaron are back, and the tables are so full they’re having to lay the rest of the trays on the chairs behind them, stacking them up so they’re out of the way until they’re needed. Sasha nods behind me. “Maybe we should get started?”

I turn behind me to see that the small crowd has grown considerably. My Copyright 2016 - 2024