The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,47

are great.” I try to amend my statement, knowing I’ve crossed yet another invisible line with Livy.

“Um…well…he’s not…”

“Livs, you don’t have to explain,” Sophie says reassuringly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” I say.

“No, it’s just…he moved away when I was five. He just left us.”

I’ve wished so many times that my dad would do that.

“I don’t even have his phone number. He has a new family now, and it hurts that”—Why is she telling me this?—“he’s with the woman he cheated on my mom with.”

Why does Livy Chapman feel the need to tell me this?

“He just went on a business trip then never came back.”

Seriously, is she trying to give me the lowdown on her life, make me understand her more?

“I have two half-sisters I’ve never even met.”

Am I supposed to feel sorry for her?

“I don’t know, I just think—”

“Yeah, but did he hit your mom?!” I blurt out before I can even think, my voice like steel.

Both of them stop, staying deadly still.

“Did he beat her until she was black and blue when you were eleven years old?”

I’m starting to shake now.

“Do you have to live in fear that he might do it again one day whenever he loses his vile temper?”

I glance at Sophie then immediately look away. I can’t handle the look of concern on her face, so I turn back to Livy, who looks horrified.

“Do you have to put up with him acting all happy and polite and friendly in public but then hate when he’s home because you never know how’s he’s going to react to anything, and little things that you can never predict could set him off?”

Livy blinks rapidly, unsure what to do.

“And do you have to deal with your mom acting like it never happened and refusing to even consider leaving him just because he has money and to her that’s more important?”

I feel a single tear slide down my face.

“And when he’s due to come home, when he’s back from his life in New York, which you know he prefers, do you feel stressed and nervous and angry all at the same time and know that it turns you into a raging bitch at times before he’s back, but there’s nothing you can do about it?”

I swipe at my face, brushing away tears.

“And then did you have to experience the one person who helps you deal with it being in love with someone else for your whole relationship and then finally getting with them right in front of you?”

I am so mad at myself right now. I can’t believe I’m saying this—about my dad, about Chase, about her. This is not something I would ever usually share.

“Abigail…” Livy takes a step closer to me. “I’m so—”

“Don’t.” My voice is so loud now. The last thing I want is her sympathy. “Don’t you dare pity me.”

“I wasn’t going—”

“Just stop it. I’m sorry, Livy. You might have won the guy, but you don’t get to win the shitty dad contest.”

I wipe at my face again and take a deep breath, trying my hardest to pull myself together.

There’s a beeping from the ovens, presumably telling us the brownies are ready.

I look at both of them; they’re looking at me like I’ve just set off a bomb, and it makes me want to burst into tears. I have never, ever told anyone all this stuff before. Not even Chase knows all that, and now I’ve just blurted it out to two people who don’t even like me, just because I couldn’t control my temper.


I stare at the floor for at least a minute while there’s complete silence around me, and I concentrate on trying to steady my breathing.

The oven beeps again.

“Let’s just get on with this, okay?” I ask, praying they let me move past it and don’t push me to talk about anything else.

“Abigail, I am so, so sorry,” Livy says. “I had no idea.”

Well how the hell would she?

“That’s terr—”

“Oh, can you just stop being so fucking nice for two minutes, Livy,” I explode. “I’m being a complete bitch to you. I’m blaming you for something you have no control over and you’re still being nice to me! Even after the way I’ve always treated you.”

“Livs,” Sophie says quietly, nodding her head in the direction of door.

Livy looks back at me once then turns and leaves with Sophie right behind her.

I let out a deep breath as the door swings shut.

Well, I certainly screwed that up.

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