The Backup Girlfriend (Grove Valley High #2) - Emma Doherty Page 0,45

and the look on her face makes me press my lips together to keep from laughing. Sophie looks like she’s enjoying Livy’s discomfort just that little bit too much.

“Yup, yesterday evening, last night, this morning—”

“Okay, Soph, we get it,” Livy interrupts, her face going red.

Sophie just laughs and glances over at me. “She’s such a prude.”

“I am not!” Livy disagrees. “I think it’s perfectly natural for two people to have sex.”

“You sound like a sex ed teacher.” Sophie laughs. “You know, it’s pretty fun.”

Livy’s bright red at this point. “Sophie, would you shut up?!” she snaps, cocking her head toward me slightly and looking like she wants to kill Sophie. “Nobody wants to hear about anyone’s sex life.”

“Or lack thereof,” Sophie murmurs, still teasing her, but her expression suddenly changes at the death glare Livy’s giving her. I look between them, thinking through what they’ve just said over the last minute.

Finally, I get it.

You know, it’s pretty fun.

Livy and Chase haven’t had sex yet.

I try not to think about the fact that he had it on tap with me and would still rather be celibate and with her.

Livy looks like she wants to crawl into a hole and die.


“What? I don’t care about your sex life, Livy, or lack of it.”

She closes her eyes for a second before reopening them. “I’m pretty…I don’t…I would really appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone.”

“I’m not going to talk to anyone about your sex life.”

She looks at me for a second and must decide to trust me, because after a minute, she nods her head.

“Just don’t expect me to give you any tips on what he likes, because I think that’s taking things a bit too far.”

She looks like she’s about to burst into tears at that comment, and I know immediately that I’ve crossed a line. The fact that Sophie’s whirled around to look at me with a face like thunder backs that up.

“Sorry,” I say. “That was a bitchy thing to say.”

“I didn’t mean…I don’t even know why we’re talking about this—”

“How about we change the subject, huh? I’m pretty sure neither of us want to have this conversation.”

“That’d be great,” Livy mutters, still looking down at the flour in front of her.

Oh jeez. Now I feel like total shit for making her feel bad when she’s here helping me out.

“Livy,” I start awkwardly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

She looks over at me and offers me a weak grin. “It’s fine. Sorry, I’m just sensitive about it I guess.”

My eyes dart over to Sophie, who is watching us silently.

“I just…” I’m surprised Livy’s continued talking and not taken the option to move the conversation on. “Sometimes…I don’t know, sometimes it just feels like everyone else is doing it.”

Sophie scoffs. “That’s because they are.”

Livy goes bright red. “I’m just not ready.”

Sophie softens. “And that’s fine. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

Livy shifts uncomfortably, clearly not reassured.

I clear my throat. “Chase won’t care, Livy. He really likes you, and I know he won’t care about taking it slow until you’re ready.”

How has it come to this?

Seriously, how am I comforting my ex’s new girlfriend about her not being ready to have sex with the guy I was in love with for years?

“Really, I mean it. He won’t care about that at all. He loves you.”

Livy smiles at me. “Thanks. Really, thank you.” She looks around the kitchen. “I’ll go grab the chocolate chips we’ll need.”

Sophie looks over at me the minute Livy’s exited the room. “That was nice of you.”

I shrug.

“Didn’t think you were capable of it.”

I flip her the finger as she smirks over at me, and then Livy comes in carrying a couple of bags of chocolate chips, which she lays down in front of me.

“Okay.” She turns to me, business-like. “What were you thinking we should make?”


“Brownies are usually a really big seller. I’m guessing we want to make things that are popular so people will buy. Chocolate chip cookies. Muffins…?”

Livy looks at me expectantly.

“Cheesecake would be amazing too,” Sophie says.

“Um, well…whatever you think.”

She opens her mouth to say something then closes it again. Obviously she was expecting me to be a little bit more informed about this.

“I brought money,” I say, grabbing my bag and pulling out the cash I have in there. “To pay for the supplies, or I can Venmo you if that’s easier?”

“Oh…sure. Great, thanks. We can sort out how much it will be at the end.”

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