Back-Tracker - Bob Blink Page 0,9


The local Safeway was less than two miles away, and Jake was nearly finished with his shopping when he recalled Karin had mentioned something on the drive home she wanted to get at the store. No matter how he tried to bring the thought back, he couldn’t remember what it was. He knew if he didn’t get it now, they’d only have to make another trip later.

He called the house, knowing that Karin would be awake anyway because of Janna. Surprisingly, the phone rang and rang, but Karin didn’t pick up. Jake frowned, and looked at the phone as if it could tell him why. Then he dialed Karin’s cell phone. Once again, a series of rings, but no answer.

He’d been gone less than twenty minutes. It was remotely possible that Karin had finished feeding Janna and gone back to sleep, but he doubted that was the case. Janna didn’t go back to sleep that quickly, and given the number of hours she’d been sleeping counting last night and the drive home, Jake doubted she’d want any more sleep now anyway.

Heart rate elevated, he quickly activated the App on his phone that interacted with the security system in the house. Quickly he scanned through the cameras, checking for anything out of place or any sign of Karin. Nothing! He could see the unmade bed and Janna’s empty crib, but no sign of either of them. Then he spotted the open front door. That shouldn’t be! He couldn’t be certain, but it looked like the frame might be damaged, as though someone had broken in.

“Shit!” he cursed, and pushed the loaded cart off to one side. He hated to just walk away, but he’d apologize later. Now he had to get home. Moving quickly, but forcing himself not to run which might be misinterpreted by store security, Jake made his way outside, where he sprinted for his car. Five minutes later he pulled into the driveway.

He jumped out and made for the front door, seeing it open as the cameras had shown him. Carefully he stepped inside. No one.

“Karin!” he shouted.

No answer. He ran for the kitchen, and finding no one, made for his study, where he retrieved the .45 Sig he kept locked in his desk. Armed, he headed for the stairs and headed up to the second level. It didn’t take long to determine he was alone in the house. Other than the broken door, nothing was out of place. But Karin and Janna were missing.

Jake forced himself to take a deep breath and think before acting. He could think of no one who had a reason to take his family, but it seemed unlikely that they would have been targeted randomly. It couldn’t be coincidence that they had been taken shortly after he had left. That meant someone wanted to use them as leverage against him. Someone who wanted money. They had a great deal. Or was it someone who wanted something from him based on his special ability. Unfortunately, there were a few who knew about him now. The last time he’d helped out Susan, they’d been unable to resolve the matter in a way that no one but Susan knew about him. A number of FBI agents and a couple of cops now knew what he could do. Jake hadn’t been certain, but he believed two or three of the civilians involved at the time had learned about him as well. He couldn’t be certain, and they shouldn’t know his name, but one never knew.

Whoever had done this, hadn’t thought it out, however. Waiting for him to leave so they could take his family, wouldn’t work. He could simply back-track, and his earlier self would be prepared for them. The kidnapping would never happen. Jake pondered the situation and how best to handle it. The simplest would be to simply go back, and catch and detain the men before they were able to act. Unfortunately, since they hadn’t acted, the local police would be reluctant to arrest them and certainly wouldn’t press charges. They didn’t know about Jake, and he certainly didn’t want to inform them. He could go back and simply not come home last night, but that would only mean whoever it was would plan and strike at another time. Jake needed to know who and why this was happening. Making up his mind, he focused on himself as he came down the stairs earlier this morning. Then he back-tracked.

Jake’s hand involuntarily went to Copyright 2016 - 2024