The Back Road - By Rachel Abbott Page 0,26

house goes, it’s not recognisable is it? And I don’t believe in ghosts,’ Leo said, shrugging with a feigned indifference that may have fooled Fiona, but not Ellie.

‘I’m not sure that I would want to be haunted by your mother if she was a ghost, Ellie,’ Fiona said. ‘What does Max call her? The Old Witch? She was such an embittered woman. She spent twenty years of her life hating people. I think that’s rather sad.’

‘Not when you’re the one that’s hated, it’s not,’ said Leo, with feeling.

‘Well, she’s gone now and left a bucket load of money so that you can all celebrate her passing in style.’

Ellie looked sadly at Leo, knowing how hard any conversation about The Old Witch was for her. So much so that Leo had refused every single penny that Ellie had offered her from the vast sum that her mother had been secretly amassing.

Once more, though, they were saved by the bell. Fifteen minutes early, so now they had to face the joys of bloody Mimi.

* * *

Much as Leo had liked Georgia and enjoyed her company, she had to say that she was intrigued to meet Pat’s new woman. Max seemed somewhat relieved when he showed them both into the kitchen, no doubt because he wouldn’t have to search for yet another topic of conversation with Charles, whose sole interest appeared to be money and all that it could buy.

Leo might not be a fan of parties, but she loved watching people and their reactions to each other, and tonight was one of those occasions when it felt as if people were not entirely comfortable. Bringing this new woman into the equation forced everything out of kilter somehow. Max had coped with Charles for years, and Fiona and Leo tolerated each other for Ellie’s sake, while finding every possible opportunity to wind each other up. They both enjoyed it, although Ellie had never appreciated that. But the minute Pat walked through the door with Georgia’s usurper, tension rippled through the room.

Pat didn’t seem to have changed much, as far as Leo could see. His wheat-coloured hair always came as a bit of a shock because it looked like the colour came from a bottle although Leo was positive that it didn’t. Besides, it was cut so short that you’d see regrowth within a matter of days. He was what she would call Mr Regular. He was about average height, not skinny, but not much in terms of a physique. Insubstantial, she would say. Nice features, and a quiet but friendly voice, she’d always found him a bit bland next to Georgia’s vivacious personality and dynamic style. But nice enough. Strange that this inoffensive man could now be causing such a stir.

Ellie tried to ease things, as she always did. She walked over to Pat and gave him a hug.

‘It’s good to see you, Pat. Have you recovered from last night? Max was decidedly ropey this morning, but he seems to have just about got over it. For a couple of teachers, you’re a pair of reprobates if you ask me!’ She kissed him on his cheek and gave him a grin, turning to greet his partner with a smile that looked forced to Leo.

‘Max told me that Pat left early, though - obviously keen to get home to you, Mimi.’

Mimi? Leo thought. What sort of a bloody name was Mimi? Pat was looking a bit flustered.

‘No, I didn’t leave early. Not at all. Max has got that wrong, Ellie. He must have seen me pop out for a breath of fresh air. It gets very hot in that rugby club. Then I got lumbered with the serious folk at the other end of the bar. That’s what comes of drinking orange juice all night, I suppose. Max probably thought I’d left, but I hadn’t.’

‘Oh well, I don’t think he could see straight anyway. Come on Mimi - come and meet everybody.’

Leo watched as Mimi’s eyes flicked around the room, first to Fiona who was lounging in a comfortable chair, then to Leo, then quickly back to Pat - as if he might come to her rescue. But he had already turned towards Max and Charles, and was deep in conversation.

Ellie guided Mimi across the vast expanse of kitchen towards Fiona.

Mimi was nothing like Leo was expecting. A barmaid who had lured Pat away from Georgia had to be something special, surely? And yet this woman who was probably a couple of years younger Copyright 2016 - 2024