The Back Road - By Rachel Abbott Page 0,15

said to be in a critical condition. The accident took place in the early hours of this morning, and the police are asking anybody who was out in the area last night to…”

An angry hand reached out and switched the radio off.

Why did she reject me? Why was she scared? Why did she run?

All that planning, months and months of it, blown away by an impulsive action – an opportunity that seemed too good to miss. Abbie was all alone – abandoned - and nobody was missing her. It was so very easy.

Abbie – I just wanted you to love me. Our little secret.

But those eyes – the stark black terror in their depths when she learned the truth. Why?

And then she ran.

What if she’d made it back to the village? What if that driver had been paying attention, driving more slowly, and picked her up instead of knocking her down? It didn’t bear thinking about.

My life would be over. Everything I’ve worked so hard for would be destroyed. Again. By Abbie.

But now Abbie couldn’t speak. She would probably die.

That was never my intention, Abbie – but you shouldn’t have rejected me. I wouldn’t have hurt you if you’d been nice to me. You’re dead to me anyway, now.

But there was another problem.

The driver saw me, standing in the woods, watching but doing nothing.

And that was a danger. Safe for now, but if the police identified the car, the driver would be sure to tell them.

A cry of frustrated misery pierced the silence, and the now empty glass was hurled into the sink where it shattered on impact.

* * *

‘I need a drink,’ a weary Ellie muttered as she plonked herself down on the bed.

What a day! She could have done without going into work, but in view of the circumstances she’d had little choice. There had been no chance to catch up with Leo, and she’d barely seen the twins. And after last night…

No. She mustn’t think about that. It was too terrible. Too awful. For tonight, at least, she had to push it all to the back of her mind.

She had somehow managed to go through the motions of preparing everything for tonight’s dinner - all she had to do was drum up the enthusiasm to get herself ready. The babysitter had arrived - a ridiculous extravagance in Max’s mind, given that they weren’t actually going out - but at least the twins were occupied and all she had to worry about was the food.

Staring disconsolately at her wardrobe and hoping it would provide some magical solution to what she should wear, she heard the bathroom door opening. She could see Max’s reflection in the large mirror that hung over their dressing table, and couldn’t resist watching him as he rubbed his thick dark hair on a towel, another one draped around his middle. Not an inch of fat on him, she could see the muscles in his stomach from where she sat, despite the thin covering of dark hair. He’s so hot, she thought. Was she really losing him?

She sighed.

‘What’s up, my lovely Ellie Jelly Belly’

‘Don’t call me that - you know I hate it,’ Ellie said, scowling at his reflection.

Max laughed.

‘I’ve been calling you that since you were seventeen, and you loved it then.’

‘Of course I did - principally because it wasn’t true. Now it is, so think of something nice to say or don’t say anything.’

A brief tap came on the door, and it was nudged open to reveal Leo, dressed in nothing more than a black T-shirt that just about reached the top of her thighs and clung to her slim hips. Her slender legs were enviably long and lightly tanned.

‘Leo - do you have to wander in here naked - or as near as, damn it?’ Ellie said.

As Leo opened the door fully, Ellie saw her glance sideways at Max.

‘Sorry Max. I didn’t know you were here. I thought you were with the twins. And I’m perfectly decent, Ellie. People walk around the centre of Manchester in fewer clothes than this. I came to see if I could borrow your straighteners. I forgot mine, and my hair looks a complete mess if I leave it curly.’

‘Max could have been naked himself, but I don’t suppose either of you would have been bothered.’

Ellie wasn’t surprised to see a look of puzzlement pass between Leo and Max. She knew she was being a grump, but seeing her svelte sister made her feel more frumpy than Copyright 2016 - 2024