Back in Black (McGinnis Investigations #1) - Rhys Ford Page 0,89

of Jae, I landed awkwardly on the bed, somehow tangling my elbow in the sheets. “Shit, I’m stuck.”

It took us nearly three minutes to get me free, but then again, I wasn’t really trying very hard. After Jae caught me wrapping him back up in the linens, he did something bendy with his body and left me where I lay, a sage-cotton burrito filled with smug satisfaction and more than a little bit of arousal from Jae rubbing up against me to get me loose.

“I’m taking a shower.” My beloved husband hit me with a pillow on his way to the bathroom, scoring a direct smack against my head because I was too entangled to defend myself. “If you join me, hyung, we’re not having any more of this. I’m late already.”

“I wasn’t the one who started it,” I called out, and he actually flipped me off. Not a very Jae thing to do, but sometimes he did the unexpected.

Even as tangled up as I was, I appreciated the view of him walking away. His ass was firm and taut, much like the rest of his toned, golden body, and there were a few pink bite marks on his shoulder. Not on the shoulder where he bore a slick scar from being shot—another thing he could lay at my feet—because no matter how often we got rough in bed, I couldn’t—wouldn’t—do anything more than kiss that spot. That spot wasn’t for playing, at least not in my mind. That scar was my fault. Even though I hadn’t been the one to pull the trigger, it was still mine.

“Shit, I forgot to tell you about the guns.” I hadn’t moved from the bed, but I didn’t need to. Rolled over onto my stomach, with my head at the far end of the mattress, I could see straight into the bathroom. Jae was brushing his teeth with a distracted fury that made me worry for his enamel. His mind was probably on the things he had to do today rather than what I said, because he glanced over at me, his eyebrows creased down toward the bridge of his nose. “Ivan—the guy that broke into the office—was shot to death yesterday in his hospital room. O’Byrne came by and asked me to turn over my weapons. She took them with her for ballistics tests.”

That got Jae’s attention. He turned to face me—a beautiful, freckle-dusted, porcelain-skinned man wearing my bite marks and a tattoo of my Asian birth year on his body. He no longer hid anything from me. We’d started our relationship off behind a web of lies and half-truths, but while those days were definitely gone, sometimes Jae was hard to read. I usually waited for him to tell me exactly what was on his mind, but this time I didn’t need any Post-it notes or carefully worded and lovingly meant remarks. The gold in his honey-brown eyes was molten, and he spat out a mouthful of toothpaste into the sink so quickly I thought he missed the bowl.

“She comes in here and accuses you of shooting the man, so you feed her?” Jae gestured wildly with his foamy toothbrush, splattering the mirror above the sinks. I had a vague hope of him not getting any of it on the art-nouveau-styled dresser I’d refurbished and repurposed as our bathroom vanity. It was a brief wish, one secured away by Jae’s anger. “The two of you acted like nothing was wrong between you. I invited her to the barbecue this weekend.”

I slid off of the bed and approached my husband carefully. After plucking the toothbrush from his clenched fingers, I gathered him up in my arms, then tossed the brush into the sink from behind his back. I told my cock not to get excited about being pressed up against Jae’s naked body, but it had its own mind, and I could only hope Jae ignored me. I pulled him in closer, until there wasn’t any space between us, and I kissed his gorgeous full mouth, tasting his ire and the mint on his tongue.

“There is nothing wrong between us. She had to ask for them. I’m a likely suspect, but I pretty much have an alibi for the time he was killed. She still needs to exclude me from the possibilities, and the only way to really do that is to check the bullet against all of my guns. She might even tap Bobby for his. It’s a part of the Copyright 2016 - 2024