The Bachelor's Bride (The Thompsons of Locust Street #1) - Holly Bush Page 0,70

from her place near the window. “Just one man. He’s dropped a bag, a canvas one by the door. He’s gone.”

“My man will follow him and see if he leads us to anything. I’m guessing, though, that the messenger was just that, a messenger with no idea what is going on,” Graham said.

James opened the door, picked up the bag, and carried it inside. Graham pulled the bag open. He reached in and pulled out a closed envelope. “It’s addressed to the Thompson family.”

“Read it,” Aunt Murdoch said. “Read it out loud.”

He glanced at her. “There may be things written that might be unpleasant to hear, ma’am.”

“Read it,” Muireall said.

* * *

Bring Rory’s boy to the corner of Clearfield and Bath Street at six in the morning. He’ll be told what to do from there. When he gets to where he’s told to go, we’ll set the girl free. She ain’t a maid no more but still has her fingers and toes and tongue. If he’s late, she won’t.

* * *

Alexander bowed his head as Kirsty let out a cry and Aunt Murdoch gasped. He rarely prayed. In fact, he could not remember the last time he’d been to church and heard the words, but he was a believer. There was something bigger than everyone, he was certain. He prayed then to stay alive long enough to save her and that she knew that he cared for her, that he loved her, although he’d never said the words.

“I’m going. You won’t stop me, James,” Payden said.

“Has it occurred to you that if you go, I’ll be worried about you instead of worrying about retrieving Elspeth?” James asked.

“We won’t get her back if I don’t go, and you know it. I’m going.”

“You must remain here, Payden. I insist! It is far too dangerous!” Muireall said.

Payden looked at his eldest sister, even as she towered over him, and spoke calmly. “The Earls of Taviston have a long history of defending their keep. I know because I’ve read all the history books you’ve ever handed me. The fifth earl was eleven years old when he took his men into battle. You cannot tell me I’m the chief of the clan with one breath and then tell me to go to my room with the next.” He turned to James. “I’ll need whatever it is you use to darken your face.”

“I’ll get it, Lord Taviston,” he said and left the room.

Muireall dropped to the seat behind her, her face white, her hand over her mouth.

Elspeth held her ear to the door and held her breath. Giggly voice was talking to a rather large group of men she gathered because he said several names and told them the location they’d be stationed at.

“The boy will go straight to the ship,” he said. “I want ten men surrounding him at all times.” She strained to hear a question being asked but could only hear the answer. “He may be just a boy, but we will not underestimate him. And anyway, he is worth a fortune.”

“Kill the brother first,” he continued. “As soon as you can. He’ll be our only challenge.”

There was a cheer from the crowd at that and then another question she could not make out.

“I don’t care about the woman. Those not boarding the ship can have her.”

Another loud cheer erupted. Two things came to Elspeth’s mind. She was trembling and terrified, and that would never do for a MacTavish. She was not ready to die, but apparently her time had come, and she must face it with all the courage she could. She would face it as her parents had, protecting the next generation and the chief of the clan.

Secondly, it would not matter if she managed to kill one silently. There were just too many to fell with her lone dagger, if she could kill even one of them. She blinked in the darkness and swallowed a cry. But she would still take out as many as she could, even if she only injured them or slowed them down. She would not give up without a fight.

Chapter 18

Alexander pulled on the heavy black sweater that James had given him, rolled up the cuffs, and stood at the door of the parlor. Graham had left, and two more of his men had been brought in to guard the house. Robert McClintok was to stay and guard the women. Apparently, the young man had learned his lessons with guns alongside Payden, as he handled Copyright 2016 - 2024