The Bachelor's Bride (The Thompsons of Locust Street #1) - Holly Bush Page 0,58

in here. Should get the boys to clean up a bit and sweep.”

James picked up the list of items in storage, checking off a few with the pencil stub from behind his ear. They worked in silence, Elspeth packing wooden boxes, sealing them, and gluing a label on the wide top slat while James moved older product forward according to the date on the label. He secured a shelf underneath with an extra cross board and looked back at her over his shoulder.

“Your boy can hold his own.”

“My boy? Whoever are . . . Alexander? Mr. Pendergast was with you?”

James nodded and smiled. “Did well even when MacAvoy and I stood back and watched.”

“He’s not used to fighting. You mustn’t drag him into this. You and MacAvoy have been fist-fighting since you were boys. He has not!”

“Elspeth,” he said softly. “He came to us. He came to us and asked us to come with him to check on a place being used by these men. And anyway, I had to know he could protect you if he had to.”

“Is he hurt?”

James laughed. “No, he’s not. He’s fine. Do you have any more of those green beans from last fall in that stack?”

“Why have I been targeted?” she whispered and then looked up at him. Her hands shook a bit as she wiped them on her apron and wrapped her arms around her waist.

“You’re who I would pick.”

“But why? Why would anyone pick me?” She waited until he turned. “Why?”

“Because Muireall rarely leaves the house except to go to that orphanage, and one look at Kirsty and any man’s going to know that she would be loud and disagreeable and would make a scene worthy of a whore on Harbor Street.”

“And I’m biddable.”

“I know you’re not. But they don’t,” James said. “I said Kirsty would make a scene. She makes a scene about everything. You won’t make a fuss unless pushed into it, like at the brothel when you went to Mrs. Fendale’s.” He walked over to her and lifted her chin with his hand. “Listen to me, Elspeth. You’re bright and lovely and persistent in your own quiet way. But from an evildoer’s perspective, you’d be easier to manage then Kirsty. Don’t make it easy for them. Be on your guard and stay close to me or MacAvoy or Pendergast the night of this party.”

“MacAvoy? MacAvoy is going to the Pendergast ball?”

“The head of security for Mr. Pendergast came to see him and asked him if he’d be interested in earning a bit on the side. Gave him money for a proper suit.”

She grinned. “At least he won’t have to dance with Kirsty.”

“Elspeth! Elspeth!” they heard Kirsty call from the top of the steps. “Elspeth! Hurry! Mrs. Dunleven is here with our dresses!”

James laughed. “You’d better hurry. She’ll be causing a scene soon, if she already hasn’t.”

Elspeth spent the next two hours with her sisters and aunt and the dressmaker. She could hardly believe how dazzling Kirsty looked in the rose-colored silk she’d chosen. It was the perfect color to complement her dark blond hair and pale blue eyes. Elspeth’s dress fit perfectly, with long open lace sleeves attached off her shoulder to blue velvet, although the bodice was the most revealing she’d ever worn. Mrs. Dunleven said it was the height of fashion, as was the small bustle and the pale blue silk-and-lace train. There were dark blue slippers with a low heel to match.

They’d always had suitable everyday dresses and dresses with matching jackets for church, and some with lace and embroidery for evening, but she’d never owned anything as fancy or as beautiful as this. She wondered what Alexander would think of it. She wondered if he’d kiss her again and hoped very much that he did. She’d been kissed by two other men in her life, neither inspiring her to dream about them as she’d been doing lately about Alexander. Alexander. It felt so very intimate to call him by his first name. As if she were privy to a secret world that he was at the center of. She would be happy to heed James’s advice and stay very close to Alexander the whole evening. Maybe there would even be a moment of privacy for another kiss.

Alexander and his father walked with Graham as he explained his plans to keep all the guests safe on the evening of the ball.

“I have several men, including myself, who will be in formal wear mingling with guests and Copyright 2016 - 2024