The Bachelor's Bride (The Thompsons of Locust Street #1) - Holly Bush Page 0,30

in the alley, when he’d taken her in his arms, she would have been perfectly content to stay there. Maybe even forever. She looked up when Muireall broke the silence.

“You must be very careful with this man, as well as the men following you. We don’t know anything about him. I don’t trust him. And don’t ask me why, Elspeth. It has always been my job to protect this family, and I will do so even if I earn your censure. You must promise to be very careful and to trust me.”

She shook her head. “When will I be old enough to understand your concern? Granted, if it is as serious as you imply, then when I was twelve or thirteen or even eighteen, I was too young to understand, but I am twenty-two years old, Sister. When will I be old enough?”

Muireall went to the door. She spoke without turning. “Not today.”

Alexander climbed slowly out of a warm oblivion. He opened one eye a slit and wondered why this bed and its surroundings did not look like his own bedchamber. But the mattress was soft and the blankets were heavy, and the light was filtered coming through some yellow draperies, making him want to close his eyes again. He turned his head slowly, realizing he was stiff and not sure why. Then he saw her and knew where he was and why he was there. She turned her head from the book she was reading.

“Ah. You’re awake. I was wondering if I should wake you,” she said.

“What time is it?”

“Nearly one o’clock. How are you feeling?”

“Like I lost a fight.”

“You did not lose a fight,” she said and closed her book. “I suppose you’ll be fussing that Kirsty and I were able to lend a hand.”

He smiled as much as the cuts on his mouth would allow. “My manly feelings are delicate. Perhaps you won’t share that you and your sister came to my rescue.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You told me last night that you were taking that beating so we could escape.”

She wasn’t looking at him, just staring off to the other side of the room, holding her book in her lap.

“Thank you anyway,” he whispered.

She stood suddenly and went to the door. “I’ll send Robert to you since you are probably ready to be dressed.”

He watched the door close behind her and sat up on the edge of the bed, holding his wrapped midsection gingerly. He was dizzy, but it was manageable, he thought, and he realized he was very thirsty and even hungry. He downed the glass of water sitting on the low table beside the bed. Laudanum. Yes. That explained the thirst and the very deep sleep.

The door opened, and the young boy who had helped get his boots off the night before came in. There was another boy with him who looked remarkably like Elspeth. The same auburn hair and brown-green eyes. The two boys stared at him.

“Don’t you have to let go your water?” the one named Robert asked.

“Just say ‘take a piss,’” the other one said and took a step forward. “I’m Payden Thompson. You’re the one who let those ruffians beat you up to save the girls.”

“I would like to use the chamber pot, if there is one available.” Alexander kept a straight face, although it was difficult with these two boys.

“There’s a water closet down the hall, but you don’t look like you could make it that far,” Payden said. “There’s a pot under the bed. I’ll get it for you.”

Payden reached under the bed skirt and pulled out a pot with a lid. The two boys stood looking at him until Robert bent down and carried the pot to the corner of the room. “Here you go, sir. Do your business, and Payden and me will help you get dressed.”

Alexander gingerly made his way to the pot.

“Aunt Murdoch told me to ask if your piss was bloody,” Payden said.

Alexander looked over his shoulder. “Doesn’t look to be. Is your aunt always this nosy?”

“Always,” he said with a laugh.

Alexander limped back to the bed and sat down, feeling out of breath. All of his clothes had been cleaned and folded while he slept. Robert and Payden got his stockings on him, his pants up and buttoned, and his arms in his shirtsleeves, although that did take some maneuvering. He couldn’t move his right arm much at all without making his broken rib scream. By the time they had his boots on Copyright 2016 - 2024