Babyville Page 0,48

away, knowing she has to tell the truth but not sure how to say it. “. . . I have an unresolved situation.”

“Ah.” Jack nods slowly. “I have to say I did have a feeling it might be something like that. You're married, aren't you?”

“God, no!” The vehemence in her voice startles him.

“So what is it, then?”

And out comes the whole story.

Two hours later Julia tails off. She's told him about her life before Mark; about then moving in with him and knowing that her life would now be mapped out: marriage, babies, although not necessarily in that order. She's told him about her increasing unhappiness; about Mark and her growing so far apart it wouldn't be possible for them to find their way back. She's talked about her obsession with children; about needing a baby to repair her relationship; and she has talked about coming to New York and finding herself again. About knowing that it really is over with Mark, but not knowing how to tell him.

And now she sits back and looks at him, waiting for his response, because even though she hardly knows him, even though this is only the third time she's met him, he is someone she'd like to get to know better.

Although having just poured her heart out, she feels this is unlikely.

Jack doesn't say anything for a while. He looks out at the lake for a few minutes, then turns to her.

“So what about New York? Are you staying?”

Julia nods. “For a while. I've been in the edit suite for the last week and the editor's now seen some of the stuff we shot and he's happy. They've offered me more work, on a freelance basis, but I figure it won't do my CV any harm to have worked for BCA. And I know this sounds nuts, but I'm happy here. Maybe just because it's the place where I've rediscovered who I am, but whatever the reason I feel very settled. Comfortable. A two-bedroom apartment's come up in Bella's building, and we're going to take it. So, yes.” She shrugs. “For the moment I'm staying.”

“I would imagine, from everything you've told me, that a relationship is the very last thing on your mind right now, but I would also guess that you could do with a friend.”

Julia suppresses a sharp pang of disappointment and covers it with a nod. “Friends. That sounds perfect.”

“Good,” Jack says, grinning, as he holds out his hand to shake on it. “Friends.” Julia puts her hand in his and they shake firmly, smiling at one another.

And they keep holding on to one another's hands. Their smiles fade as Julia's heart beats a little faster.

“Seeing as we're friends,” Jack says quietly, moving his head closer as he cups her chin in his hand and draws her head closer, “do you think it's okay if we do this?” He kisses her softly on the lips. Once. Twice. Three times. Pulling back slightly to check this is okay, he sees her eyes remain closed, her head inclined, and he smiles as he moves forward and kisses her again.

“Oh yes,” sighs Julia, when they finally break apart, as she smiles from ear to ear. “I'd say that's exactly what friendship is all about.”


Funny, isn't it, how life turns out. Just as I was beginning to seriously stagnate in Brighton (and yes, I do know how trendy it is, and yes, I have seen Zoe and Norman walking around town from time to time, and no, I'm not mad to have got thoroughly bored with how small it is and how everyone knows everyone else's business), along comes an offer from Mike Jones.

Bored with Brighton. Bored with work. Bored with men. Most of the time I feel like I've worked my way through all the available men in Brighton. And some of the unavailable. Occasionally the men fall for me, but I have to get myself out pretty damn quick, because I'm far too caught up in work to give a relationship a chance.

Although there are times when someone will brush the hair out of my eyes so tenderly it will make me want to cry, and I'll want to drop the act and curl up into their arms, feel safe, and warm, and rescued. But then I remember: I don't do relationships.

Once upon a time I did. Back when I dropped out of college I fully expected a strong man to whisk me off on his white charger, to a palace Copyright 2016 - 2024