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the producer, is in hospital with suspected malaria.”

“God. Poor girl. So what's ‘Baby Showers'?” Julia puts on a deep, and rather sardonic, American accent.

“For the last few months we've been doing stuff on parties. Every week we change it so we've had bachelorette parties, sweet sixteens, bar mitzvahs, pre-prom nights, that kind of thing. Think cheesy and American. And now it's baby showers, which is basically when everyone you know comes to your house when you're pregnant bearing gifts for the baby.

“We look at clever things to make as party favors, oops, I mean going-home presents, recipe ideas, themes, that kind of thing. We'll film it next week to air in two weeks' time, so we're now completely stuffed unless you say yes.”

“So you want me to produce it?”

“Julia, I badly want you to produce it, but I was so frightened to ask you because I didn't want to remind you about the baby stuff, but we're totally up shit creek and if you could handle it you'd be doing me the most massive favor. It's all set up, we just need someone to oversee the whole thing.”

“Don't I need an interview or anything? Doesn't anyone senior want to meet me? And won't I need a green card or something to work here?”

“You don't need an interview because it's a freelance position, and the responsibility comes down to me. All you'll have to do is send in a CV as a formality, but frankly they're all running round in a panic like headless bloody chickens, and they'll be delighted for someone as experienced as you to do it. As for a green card, normally of course you would, but BCA's a global company, so I'm pretty sure I can persuade the British office to pay you. Given this is such short notice, I don't think anyone's going to question us taking on a British producer. The fact is you're here and you're available. Look, if you want it, bash out a CV on my computer at home, e-mail it to me and I'll run it under their noses, but basically it's yours. If you want it.”


“Okay what? Okay you want it?”

Julia takes a deep breath. It's only one week, she tells herself. The whole thing for next week is already set up, and all she has to do is go along and smooth ruffled feathers and make sure everything goes according to plan. All the hard stuff has been done, and God knows she's hardly an amateur. How different can America be, anyway?

“I'll do it,” she says finally.

“Yessss!” hisses Bella. “My laptop's under the bed. Do the CV now and send it over by the end of the day. You'll need to come in with me tomorrow, is that okay?”

“Oh, I don't know,” Julia says, the calmness in her voice hiding the excitement just starting to bubble up from her stomach. “I'll have to check my diary.”

“Oh ha, bloody ha. I'll see you later. Hang on. Tonight's the night, isn't it?”

“Night for what?”

“Jack Roth.”

“Oh yes. God, thanks for reminding me. I'd almost forgotten.”

“Is that why you went out and bought a shimmery pink dress from Scoop! yesterday?”

“Bugger. I can't get anything past you.”

“Damn right. I've got the most gorgeous Manolos that would look fantastic with it. They're in the wardrobe in my bedroom on the far left. Keep digging and you'll find them eventually.”

“Bella, you're wonderful.”

“Aren't I? I'll see you later, my darling, and I promise to remain incognito at Orsay.”

“Are you at least going to meet someone there?”

“Of course. I'm meeting Russell Crowe for a date. I wish. Which reminds me, just as added bait, next Thursday you're going to be filming the celeb vox pops.”

“Let me guess, I'm going out to film the Carol Vorderman and Anthea Turner of America?”

“You could say that. Although in this case you'll be filming Elle Macpherson and Uma Thurman.”

“Elle Macpherson! Wow!” Julia's awestruck. “Uma Thurman!”

“I know! Elle and Uma! Maybe you and Elle will hit it off and she'll be our new best friend. Or Uma. I'm not particularly fussy.”

“Elle Macpherson. Uma Thurman. Wow.”

“Okay. I can see I'm not going to get any sense out of you now. I should have told you tomorrow. Forget Elle and Uma and think of Jack. I want you to start getting ready now. Understood?”

“Have you met my new best friends Elle and Uma?”

Bella laughs. “You're incorrigible. See you later.”

Julia is so excited about meeting Elle Macpherson and Uma Thurman she barely thinks about her impending Copyright 2016 - 2024