B Clones (Clones #1) - Laurann Dohner Page 0,85

drawn to his personality?”

“He’s not like any guy I’ve ever met. It was both.”

Gemma scooted to the edge of her seat. “How are you going to feel when you go back to your old life and never see him again? I’d think about that, if I were you. Do you have any idea at all?”

Hailey didn’t like the idea. She’d miss Blade and suspected it would really hurt. No man had ever made her feel the way he did. Even if they’d only been together for a few days. He was her Stone Stern, and if he were her suitor at home, she’d agree to marry him if he asked.

Especially if he was in love with her.

“Did he really tell Big that he loves me?”

“Yes. Please don’t share that I blabbed, but us women need to watch out for each other. Men aren’t always good about sharing their feelings. That hot hunk loves you. And I didn’t need Big to tell me that. I saw it in the way Blade looked at you.”

An ache started in her chest. “I can’t stay! I’m all my parents have. They’d be devastated if they lost me.”

Gemma nodded in sympathy. “You’re a good daughter.”

Silence stretched between them for a few minutes.


She looked at Gemma.

“You make me feel so torn right now. The mom in me wants to tell you that you should go home to your family. I know how deeply a parent loves a child and how badly it would hurt to lose you. But I also have to tell you that the one thing I wanted most was for my kids to be happy. If you were one of my kids in this exact situation, where you had to pick me or the person you’d fallen in love with, it would break my heart but I’d tell you to stay with Blade.

“That’s also coming from the woman who finally found real love with a great guy. I lost my parents when I was in my early forties. They didn’t have the peace of mind of knowing that I’d found true love. I was a divorced mom of two, struggling on my own while they were alive. We were close. My dad died first, and my mom a year later. She admitted to worrying about how I’d get along after she was gone. I hated that for both of us.”

Gemma sighed, then stood. “You’re in a really tough spot. I’m sorry for that. I asked Big if it was possible for Blade to go home with you, and he said it wasn’t. I don’t know your parents, but maybe you should figure out if Blade is someone who could make you happy for the rest of your life. If so, maybe you can ask your parents what will give them the greatest peace of mind. Having you with them, or knowing you’re with a man you love. Either way, I’m here anytime you want to talk. I’m going to leave now, though, because I think I’ve said enough.” She smiled.

“Thank you. I have a lot to think about.”

“I got the impression getting you home will be complicated, but these guys are smart and determined. You have a little time to figure things out, but I wanted you to have all the information to make the best decision that you can. It’s all you can do in life.” Hailey stood, but Gemma waved her back down. “I can see myself out.”

Once she was gone, Hailey curled up on the couch and replayed everything that Gemma had said. She wasn’t certain that she was in love with Blade, but she did care for him deeply. She had a suspicion she was getting there fast.

Chapter Nine

Blade walked in a few hours later. He came straight to her after one look at her face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Everything.”

“I’m sorry that I was gone for so long. Big wanted to show me all the repairs he’s made in my absence. He also had a lot of questions for me about my time living with pirates.”

She got off the couch and put her arms around him. He didn’t hesitate to hug her back.

He lowered his chin to the top of her head. “I’m sorry. I’ve been thoughtless. This is a new place for you, and I left you alone for too long.”

“No. You didn’t.”

“What’s wrong? Are you tired? We can go to bed. Would you mind if I shared a bed with you? I know you’re tender, so I won’t

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